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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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By their very nature, helicopters are often required to fly though and operate in mountainous terrain. Although it takes many years to accrue the necessary experience to operate safely in mountainous areas, all helicopter pilots should understand, and be able to apply, the fundamental techniques required to land at unprepared sites in mountainous terrain as the basis for more advanced training.
? Lookout
? Air as a fluid
? Importance of pre-flight planning
? Efects of Density Altitude
? Power Considerations
? Escape Route considerations
Fly a low altitude route (Not below 500’AGL) through mountainous terrain.
Review low-level map reading techniques.
Teach valley flying taking into account updrafting/downdrafting air and other considerations (eg; sun, wires).
Teach ridge/saddle crossing techniques. Student practice.
Teach approach and landing to an unobstructed area (eg; valley floor or farm airstrip) without a natural horizon, in wind conditions of 5 to 15 knots.
Student practise.
Teach approach and landing/hover to a rounded mountainous terrain feature not above 5,000’AMSL:
Review reconnaissance/power check procedures. Teach wind finding.
Experience flight upwind and downwind of demarcation line.
Teach straight-in constant angle (‘gun barrel’approach as the basic building block.
Teach overshooting to escape route at or before committal point.
Student practice
If time permits, demonstrate approach and landing/hover to various rugged terrain features, including those above 5,000’ AMSL or different types of appraches.
Review EMERGENCY procedures.
Practice engine failures, with recovery from autorotation NOT BELOW the proscribed minimas.
to operating at the home airfield, the differences are a matter of degree, not principle. For example, do not forget to conduct periodic/pre-landing checks.
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual