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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Anticipate required altitude.
Increase POWER to cruise setting POWER.
Prevent yaw.
Select ATTITUDE for cruise speed.
ADJUST as necessary TRIM.
Describe how to proceed direct from a descent to the climb:
Increase POWER to climb setting.
Prevent yaw.
Maintain airspeed or select climb speed as required. Teaching points for turning
? Define angles of bank as applying to light helicopters and explain how to judge bank angles.
? gentle-up to 15
? medium - between 15 and 30
? Steep-over 30
Level Turns
Describe how to enter a level turn: Lookout
Select the angle of bank by reference to the horison using lateral cyclic.
? Describe the visual and instrument indications that the helicopter is in a BALANCED level turn at a constant angle of bank.
? Describe how to maintain:
angle of bank with lateral cyclic airspeed with fore and aft cyclic altitude with collective
balanced flight with pedals
? Describe how to rollout onto a selected heading: Anticipate heading Apply lateral cyclic as required.
Climbing and descending turns
Describe how to initiate, maintain and rollout from climbing and descending turns. Point out the similarity in technique to level turns.
Review straight and level cruising flight.
Demonstrate establishing a climb at a selected power and airspeed, and levelling out to cruise flight.
Student practice
Demonstrate establishing a descent at a selected power and airspeed, and levelling out to cruise flight.
Student practice
Demonstrate climbing to a pre-selected altitude.
Student practice
Demonstrate descending to a pre-selected altitude. Student practice.
Demonstrate proceeding direct from a descent to the climb.
Student practice
Turns can be introduced if the student grasps this exercise easily.
Demonstrate gentle and medium level turns in both directions
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual