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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Reason: If you get ahead of your students during the presentation, you are in the same position as if you started above their level.
How to ensure that you are proceeding at the required rate:
? Arrange your material in stages. Stop at the end of each stage and ask specific questions on the material you have just covered. If your students answer correctly, proceed. If they do not, re-teach. The length of time for a stage depends on the complexity of the material being presented, but a good general rule is 8 to 12 minutes.
? Write out in full a number of well-thought-out questions. Put these questions on your lesson plan and make sure they are asked during the presentation. The feedback you get from these answers will determine whether or not your students understand.
? Observe your students closely for facial expressions that could indicate that they do not understand a particular point. If students say they understand, ask them a question to make sure.
? Encourage students to ask questions on points that they do not fully understand.
? Provide for lots of practice of basic skills before you go on to the more complex parts.
Reason: During any presentation there is a mixture of ‘need to know’ material, which is extremely important, and ‘nice to know’ material, which may or may not have to be remembered for a long period of time.
How to identify and emphasise points for your students:
? Prepare a visual aid of the main points; approximately 75% of learning comes from vision, whereas only about 13% comes from hearing. The visual aid may be a heading on a chalkboard, chart, or projected image.
? Have students write the main points down in their notebooks, or provide notes that include these main points.
? Make a verbal statement to the students, such as: ‘This particular point is very important: remember it.’
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual