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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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LISTEN TO THE ANSWER. Often an instructor, after naming a student to answer a question, will immediately begin to think about phrasing the next question and will not be listening to the answer; the instructor may say ‘Right’ to an incorrect answer. This could lead to student confusion. You should always listen to the answer.
CONFIRM THE CORRECT RESPONSE. Student answers must be evaluated carefully so as to leave no doubt as to what is the correct answer.
Aside from always confirming correct answers, there are certain techniques you must be aware of when handling student answers.
DISCOURAGE GROUP ANSWERS. When students answer as a group it is difficult to determine who supplied correct or incorrect answers; this may lead to student confusion. When you are given a new class, establish early that you do not want group answers but will call upon a student by name to answer. You may, however, want to use group answers at times to increase class enthusiasm.
DO NOT MAKE A HABIT OF REPEATING ANSWERS. This becomes monotonous to students when you always repeat the answer. If the answer provided is not correct or needs clarification, pass the question on to another student. If the students do not answer loudly enough for all the class to hear, have them speak more loudly and repeat the answer.
GIVE CREDIT FOR GOOD ANSWERS. This is especially true for the weak or shy student. When you are using oral questions to develop points from the class, do not reject answers that pertain to the subject although they may not be exactly what you are after. Give praise and try using a newly phrased question to bring out your point. If you receive a completely incorrect answer, don’t embarrass your student by saying ‘Wrong!’ Diplomatically state that the answer is not what you wanted, and ask a supplemental question or refer the question to another student.
Never discourage a genuine question pertaining to the lesson. There is an old saying: ‘For every student who asks a question there are six others who wanted to ask it’. Usually students ask questions because you have not given a clear explanation of the point or fact being queried. Some techniques to follow regarding student questions are:
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本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual