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航空术语词典Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms 下

时间:2011-03-11 23:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

tail wheel (airplane landing gear component). A small, swiveling or steerable wheel mounted at the aft end of the fuselage of an airplane equipped with a conventional landing gear. The tail wheel supports the rear end of the airplane when it is on the ground.
tail wind (aircraft navigation). Wind blowing in the same direction the aircraft is moving. When an aircraft is flying with a tail wind, its speed over the ground is equal to its speed through the air, plus the speed the air is moving over the ground.
takeoff (aircraft flight). The portion of an aircraft flight in which the aircraft leaves the ground.
takeoff power (aircraft engine specification). The amount of power an aircraft engine is allowed to produce for a limited period of time. The use of takeoff power is normally limited to no more than one minute.
14 CFR Part 1: “(1) With respect to reciprocating engines, means the brake horsepower that is developed under standard sea level conditions, and under the maximum conditions of crankshaft rotational speed and engine manifold pressure approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification; and (2) With respect to turbine engines, means the brake horsepower that is developed under static conditions at a specific altitude and atmospheric temperature, and under the maximum conditions of rotor shaft rotational speed and gas temperature approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification.”
takeoff safety speed. 14 CFR Part 1: “A referenced airspeed obtained after lift-off at which the required one-engine-inoperative climb performance can be achieved.”
takeoff thrust. 14 CFR Part 1: “With respect to turbine engines, means the jet thrust that is developed under static conditions at a specific altitude and atmospheric temperature under the maximum conditions of rotorshaft rotational speed and gas temperature approved for the normal takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the period of time shown in the approved engine specification.”
takeoff warning system. An aural warning system that provides an audio signal when the thrust levers are advanced for takeoff if the stabilizer, flaps, or speed brakes are in an unsafe condition for takeoff.
tandem. One object ahead of another. Tandem seating in an airplane has one seat ahead of the other. The wheels of a bicycle are tandem wheels.
tandem bearings (ball bearing configuration). Two sets of ball bearings mounted on a shaft in such a way that both bearings support the thrust load.
tandem wing configuration. 14 CFR Part 1: “A configuration having two wings of similar span, mounted in tandem.”
tang. A tapered shank sticking out from the blade of a knife or a file. The handle of the knife or file is mounted on the tang.

tangent (geometric tangent). A line that touches a curve at one point only and does not cross the curve.

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