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时间:2011-06-12 10:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

151.  The extraction fan operates continuously during flight and also on the ground when electrical power is available to the aircraft.当飞行中和飞机在地面接通电源时,抽气风扇是一直工作的。

152.  The floor panels are made of a honeycomb core which is bonded between Glass-fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) sheets.地板是由蜂窝夹芯粘接于玻璃纤维增强塑料(GFRP)薄板之间制成的。

153.  The fuselage is a semimonocoque structure, light alloy circular frames and longitudinal stringers support and strengthen the main fuselage skin.机身为半硬壳结构,轻质合金的环形隔框和纵向长桁支撑并加强了主要机身蒙皮。

154.  The information contained in this manual enables the user to restore to proper operating condition the equipment that has been removed from service.本手册中的信息,可以使用户能够为拆下来的部件,提供一个合格的测试环境。

155.  The L/G support the aircraft on the ground and oil-pneumatic shock absorbers absorb taxi and landing loads.起落架在地面支撑飞机,油气式减震器吸收滑行和降落的负载。

156.  The lavatory/galley ventilation system makes sure that the lavatories and galleys have a flow of temperature controlled and conditioned air.厕所/厨房通风系统确保厕所/厨房有温度控制和调节过的气流。

157.  The leading edge has attachments for the slats and the trailing edge has attachments for the main landing gear, aileron, flaps and spoilers.前缘为缝翼提供安装支持,后缘为主起落架、副翼、襟翼和扰流板提供安装支持。

158.  The LGCIU makes the selections of the valve assembly to retract or extend the L/G and move the doors in a given sequence.LGCIU控制活门组件选择起落架和舱门以给定的顺序伸出或收回。

159.  The main landing gear (MLG) has two leg assemblies. The MLG legs, each with a twin-wheel assembly, are installed in the wings. They retract inboard into bays in the fuselage.主起落架包括两部支柱组件。每个主起落架支柱具有一部双机轮组件,主起落架支柱安装在机翼结构中。它们可收进在机身的舱中。

160.  The main part of the cooling system is a 3-wheel air-cycle machine which works as a self-controlled system for heating and cooling.冷却系统的主要部件是一部 3轮空气循环机,是可以进行加热和制冷工作的自维持系统。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn