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时间:2011-06-12 10:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

142.  The cockpit is equipped with adjustable seats for two crew members, a third occupant seat and a folding seat for a fourth occupant.驾驶舱安装有两个可调节的机组座椅,一个第三乘员座椅和一个可折叠的第四乘员座椅。

143.  The defective parts for which no repair directions are given shall be rejected and replaced by new parts.对于那些没有提供具体修理指导的故障件,应该给予报废,并换上新件。

144.  The emergency equipment is installed in the aircraft for the safety of the passengers and the crew.安装在飞机上的应急设备为旅客和机组乘员提供安全保护。

145.  The energization of the aircraft electrical circuits starts a full test of the ventilation system. The test continues for 2 minutes approximately.

给飞机电路通电,将起动通风系统全测试。该测试将持续大约 2分钟。

146.  The engine starter is a single-stage, axial flow, turbine-air motor, the starter converts compressed air pressure into rotational mechanical energy sufficient to accelerate the engine to starting speed.发动机起动器是一个单级、轴流式空气涡轮发动机,起动器将压缩空气的压力转换为足够的转动机械能以加速发动机的转速。

147.  The engine starting system provides air, fuel, ignition and torque for rotating the engine to an rpm at which the engine can accelerate to idle rpm.发动机起动系统提供引气、燃油、点火及扭矩,以使发动机转动并加速到慢车所需的转速。

148.  The Environmental Control System (ECS) maintains and controls the zone temperatures and the ventilation rate for the two passenger zones and the flight deck.环境控制系统(ECS)为 2个旅客区域和驾驶舱保持和控制环境温度和通气速率。

149.  The extraction ducts are made from resin and glassfiber laminate with metal sleeves bonded to each end for duct interconnection.抽气管道使用树脂和玻璃纤维层制造而成,端口有金属衬套,便于管路连接。

150.  The extraction fan 1HU removes air from the lavatories and the galleys through a duct which is installed above the cabin ceiling.抽气风扇通过安装在客舱天花板上的管道,把厕所和厨房的空气抽出来。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn