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时间:2011-06-12 10:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

135.  The aircraft engines, the APU or a ground air source can supply compressed air to the pneumatic system. The distribution system supplies the compressed air from the different sources to the user systems.飞机发动机、APU、地面气源能够向气动系统提供增压空气。分配系统将不同来源的增压空气提供到用户系统

136.  The aircraft pressure sensor delivers an electric analog signal representative of

aircraft pressure. This analog signal is converted to digital information to be processed by the digital section.飞机压力传感器发送一个代表飞机外压力的模拟电子信号。这个模拟信号转换为数字信息,并由数字部分进行处理。

137.  The aircraft wing is a continuous structure which goes through the fuselage between Frames 36 and 42. The center wing is part of the fuselage and gives attachment points for the outer wings.飞机机翼是一个连续的结构体,通过机身隔框 36和42之间。中央翼是机身的一部分,为外侧机翼提供安装点。

138.  The APU engine is located in the aft end of the fuselage, behind the pressure bulkhead and below the horizontal stabilizer. The APU engine is completely enclosed in a titanium shroud.APU发动机安装于机身尾部、压力隔板后面及水平安定面下方。APU发动机被完全地封进一个钛防护罩中。

139.  The APU usually takes its fuel supply from the LH engine-feed line, but when the cross-feed valve is open, the RH engine-feed line can also supply the APU with fuel.APU通常从左发动机供油管路获得燃油,如果交输活门打开,右发动机供油管路也可以供应 APU燃油。

140.  The basic yaw control is hydro-mechanical as well as the alternate horizontal stabilizer

control, thus providing the ability to keep the aircraft in flight during a temporary complete loss of electrical power.基本的偏航操纵是液压机械式,如同备用水平安定面操纵。因此,当飞机电力突然完全消失,飞机仍然具有保持飞行的能力。

141.  The Bulk cargo compartment has tie down/ attachment points for the door nets and for the nets and straps which keep the bulk cargo in place.散装货舱安装有连接门网和散货固定网及束带的系留点。

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn