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时间:2011-06-14 21:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

起动  Start 点火  Ignition 扭矩  Torque
转动  Rotate 加速  Accelerate 慢车  Idle
起动器  Starter 一套电路  Circuitry 高压压气机  High pressure compressor
外壳  Case 位置  Position 完成  Accomplish
级  Stage 空气涡流发动机  Turbine-air motor 把 …转换  Convert into
能量  Energy 足够的  Sufficient 地面源  Ground source
交叉引气  Crossbleed 另一个  Another 与 …有关  Related to
火花  Spark 混合物  Mixture 起飞  Take off
着落  Landing 有害的  Adverse 天气  Weather
情况  Condition 要求  Require 点火  Ignite
励磁器  Exciter 三维的  triaxial 屏蔽  Shield
引线  lead 入口整流罩  Inlet cowl 预冷器  Percooler
限制  Limit 温度  Temperature 总管道  manifold
相反  revers 方向  Director 套筒  sleeve
遥控器  Remote 展开  Deploy 在 …之前  Prior to
展开  Deployment 阻流门  Blocker door 排列  Arrange
连接在 …上  Is attached to 螺栓  Bolt 阻力连杆  Drag link
装置  Fitting 移动  Translate 强迫  Forcing
级联的  Cascade 部分、段  Segment 形成  Form
参数  Parameter 仪表  Instrument 发光二极管  Light emitting diode 

百分比  Percent 排气温度  Exhaust gas temperature 超出  Exceed
红线  Redline 重量  Weight 总的  Total
消耗  Consume 顺序  Sequence 复位  Reset
振动  Vibration 最大的  maximum

(1) the engine starting system provides air, fuel, ignition and torque for rotating the engine to an rpm at which the engine can accelerate to idle rpm. The system consists of the starters, start valves, start bleed valves, pneumatic ducting, control and power circuitry, start levers and start selector switches. The start valve and starter are located on the forward side of the engine accessory gearbox, the start bleed valve is located on the left side of the HPC case at the 11 o’clock position, the start levers, start selector switches and start valve open light are in the flight compartment. Engine starting is accomplished by supplying air from the pneumatic system through the start valve to the starter.

发动机起动系统提供引气、燃油、点火及扭矩,以使发动机转动并加速到慢车所需的转速。系统包括起动器、起动活门、起动引起活门、增压管道、控制及电源线路,起动手柄及起动选择开关。起动活门及起动器安装于发动机附件齿轮箱,起动引气活门安装于高压压气机左侧 11点钟位置,起动手柄、起动选择开关及起动活门打开指示灯位于驾驶舱。发动机起动过程通过发动机增压系统提供空气经过起动活门给起动器来完成。

(2) The engine starter is a single-stage, axial flow, turbine-air motor, the starter converts compressed air pressure into rotational mechanical energy sufficient to accelerate the engine to starting speed. Pressurized air and electrical power are required for starter operation. The engine may be started with air from the APU(we will introduce APU in the next lesson), from a ground source, or by using engine crossbleed. Another important system related to engine operation is the ignition system. The purpose of

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn