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航空术语词典 Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms 上

时间:2011-03-11 23:11来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin 点击:

chevron seal. A form of one-way seal used on the piston in some fluid-power actuators. Chevron seals are made of a resilient material in the shape of the letter V, a chevron. The pressure being sealed with a chevron seal must be applied to the open side of the V.
chilled iron. A form of cast iron which has been cast in a steel mold. The steel mold cools the surface of the casting quickly so that it retains most of the carbon and is quite hard.
chin (aircraft structure). A part of an aircraft structure that sticks out from the bottom of the forward part of the fuselage.
Some multiengine military aircraft have chin turrets. These are turrets in which guns are mounted below the nose of the aircraft.
chine. A longitudinal member of a seaplane hull or float that forms the joint between the bottom and the side of the structure.
chine tire. An aircraft nose wheel tire that has a special deflector, or chine, molded into its sidewall. Chine tires are mounted on the nose wheel of jet aircraft whose engines are mounted on the rear of the fuselage.
When the aircraft lands on a wet or icy runway, the chine throws water and slush out to the side so that none of it gets into the engines.
chinook (meteorology). A warm, dry wind that blows down the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in the United States.
The air in a chinook lost most of its moisture as it blew up the western slopes of the mountains, and it is dry and warm as it blows down the eastern slopes.
chip detector (lubrication system component). A component in a lubrication system that attracts and holds ferrous metal chips that may be circulating with the engine oil.
Some chip detectors are part of an electrical circuit. When a metal particle shorts across the two contacts in the detector, the circuit is completed, and a warning light is turned on to inform the flight crew that metal particles are loose in the lubrication system.
chisel. A hardened steel cutting tool with a narrow cutting edge. Chisels used to cut wood normally have a wooden handle which is hit with a mallet to drive the chisel blade into the wood. Chisels used to cut metal are called cold chisels.
chlorate candle (oxygen supply). A block of solid sodium chlorate that is burned in a special housing to release breathing oxygen.
Oxygen systems using chlorate candles are commonly called solid, or chemical, oxygen systems. They are used as backup oxygen supplies in some large aircraft, and as a portable oxygen supply carried in small aircraft when oxygen is rarely needed.
chlorine. A highly irritating, greenish-yellow, gaseous, halogen chemical element. Chlorine’s symbol is Cl, its atomic number is 17, and its atomic weight is 35.543. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant and as an agent to purify water.
chock. A triangular block of metal or wood used to wedge in front of and behind the tires of an aircraft to keep the aircraft from rolling.
choke (electrical component). An inductor used to impede, or oppose, the changes of pulsating direct current. The opposition caused by a choke is inductive reactance, which produces a back voltage opposing the changing voltage in the pulsations.
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