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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

V-speeds "designations for certain velocities relating to aircraft operation, thus:
[V1]   decision speed, up to which it should be possible to abort a take-off and stop safely within the remaining runway length. After reaching V1 the take-off must be continued.
[Va]   design manoeuvring speed. The speed below which abrupt and extreme control movements are possible (though not advised) without exceeding the airframe's limiting load factors.
[Vfe]  maximum flap extension speed (top of white arc on ASI).
[Vle]  maximum landing gear extended speed
[Vmca] minimum control speed (air). The minimum speed at which control of a twin-engined aircraft can be maintained after failure of one engine.
[Vmo]  maximum operating speed. Also Mmo, Mach limit maximum operating speed.
[Vne]  never-exceed speed, 'redline speed' denoted by a red radial on an ASI. 
[Vno]  normal operating speed. The maximum structural cruising speed allowable for normal operating conditions (top of green arc on ASI).
[Vr]   rotation speed, at which to raise the nose for take-off.
[Vso]  stalling speed at MTWA, in landing configuration with flaps and landing gear down, at sea level, ISA conditions (bottom of white arc on ASI).
[Vx]   best angle of climb speed on all engines.
[Vxse] best engine-out angle of climb speed.
[Vy]   best rate of climb speed on all engines.
[Vyse] best engine-out rate of climb speed, 'blueline speed' (blue radial on ASIs of light twins)"
VAL visual approach and landing chart.
var variation (magnetic)
VASI visual approach slope indicator
VASIS visual approach slope indicator system. A coloured light system providing visual guidance to the glidepath of a runway.
VDF very-high frequency direction-finding, whereby an aircraft's bearing from a ground receiving station may be determined from its RT transmissions.
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