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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

RDO radio
RIS Radar Information Service. Provided to notify pilots of conflicting traffic outside regulated airspace, but offering no avoiding action.
RMI radio magnetic indicator. A navigation aid which combines DI, VOR and/or ADF display and will indicate bearings to stations, together with aircraft heading.
RMK remark(s)
RMU radio management unit
Rnav area navigation. A system of radio navigation which permits direct point-to-point off-airways navigation by means of an on-board computer creating phantom VOR/DME transmitters termed waypoints.
RON remain over night (night-stop).
root inner end of wing where it meets fuselage.
rpm revolutions per minute
r/t or RT radio telephony. Voice communications, as opposed to WT, wireless telegraphy
RTF radio telephony
RVR runway visual range, a horizontal measurement of visibility along a runway.
rwy runway
Rx receiver

SACP (CAA) Standing Advisory Committee on Pilot Licensing
SAR search-and-rescue. Also Sarsat, SAR satellite.
SAS stability augmentation system. An automatic flight control system employed in many helicopters and some fixed-wing aircraft to enhance their stability and handling qualities.
SATCO senior air traffic control officer
satcoms satellite communications, now being introduced on intercontinental airliners and business jets for (non- operational) air-to-ground voice communications via ground relay stations.
SB Service Bulletin. Advisory notices issued by aircraft, engine and equipment manufacturers alerting owners and engineers to faults or problems requiring preventitive or remedial maintenance or modification. Often termed 'mandatory', but do not have the legal force of Airworthiness Directives (which see).
SBAC Society of British Aerospace Companies. The UK aerospace manufacturers' trade association.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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