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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

SDAU Safety Data Analysis Unit of the CAA.
second pilot' unofficial term used to describe short (usually 8-10 hours) flying courses designed to enable non-pilot light aircraft passengers to take control and land in an emergency such as pilot incapacitation. Also standby or safety pilot and pinch-hitter (U.S.)
Sectional (U.S.) VFR navigation chart, equivalent to our 1:500,000 or 'half-million'.
Semi-circular system of cruising altitudes.
SELCAL selective calling. A high-frequency system enabling air traffic control to alert a particular aircraft, by means of flashing light or aural signal in the cockpit, for receipt of a message without the crew having to maintain a listening watch. Used on long-haul over-ocean airline routes and by intercontinental bizjets.
sfc specific fuel consumption of an engine, expressed in pounds of fuel consumed for each unit of power (hp, shp, lb/st) produced. Also surface.
short final radio call made from aircraft calling later than final position, or on final approach from a shortened circuit, or at 2nm from threshold on a straight-in approach.
shp shaft horsepower
SID standard instrument departure. A standard IFR departure route enabling air traffic controllers to issue abbreviated clearances and thus speed the flow of traffic.
SIGMET warning of severe weather conditions (active thunderstorms, hail, severe turbulence, icing etc.) issued my Met offices.
sl sea level
SLA small light aircraft
SLMG self-launching motor glider
SMOH since major overhaul. Term used in aircraft for sale advertisements where engine hours are quoted (see TBO). Also STOH, TTSN, TTAF/E
SMR surface movement radar
SNOWTAM a NOTAM concerning runway conditions in snow.
SOB souls on board, the number of persons on board an aircraft. Also POB.
socked-in A colloquialism referring to an airport closed to air traffic by bad weather, similarly clamped.
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