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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

AFI assistant flying instructor.Also AFIC, assistant flying instructor course, FIC, flying instructor course.
AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service, providing information to, but not control of, aircraft using that aerodrome. 
AFIS(O) Aerodrome Flight Information Service (Officer)
AFS Aerodrome Fire Service
AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service - telephone/teleprinter network, includes AFTN.
AFS Auto Flight System
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network. A ground-based teleprinter network transmitting flight plans, weather information etc.
AGO air-to-ground operator
A/G air-to-ground
agl above ground level
AHRS attitude-heading reference system. A sensor deriving aircraft attitude and heading information from gyros and accelerometers.
AIAA area of intense aerial activity, usually military.
AIC Aeronautical Information Circular. Bulletins issued at intervals by the CAA relating to matters of airworthiness, administration, operating procedures, safety etc. AICs are colour-coded according to subject, e.g. safety circulars are pink, thus 'Pink 12' issued in December 1990.
AIDS Airborne integrated data system
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication. The UK Air Pilot, statutory bible of aeronautical information published by the CAA.
Airep form for reporting position and Met conditions in flight.
Airmet CAA's telephone aviation weather service, covering Southern, Northern and Scottish regions of the UK. Also Metdial and Metplan, privately-operated aviation weather services. For full details see Pilot, February 1991.
AIS Aeronautical Information Service. CAA unit based at London-Heathrow Airport, providing flight-planning services and information for pilots. Publishes AICs, above.
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