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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

DH decision height. The height on a precision approach at which a pilot must have the runway approach lights in sight to continue the descent, or if not, must initiate a go-around.
DHFS UK Defence Helicopter Flying School at RAF Shawbury
DI direction indicator. A gyro instrument which indicates the magnetic heading of an aircraft. The DI, also known as the directional gyro (DG), is free of the turning errors associated with magnetic compasses but is prone to precession (wander) and must be reset against the magnetic compass at intervals. ALSO -
DI is also used to refer to the daily inspection -- a thorough pre-flight check of an aircraft prior to the first flight of the day.
dihedral sloping up from root to tip. Opposite: anhedral.
DIN(S) digital interial navigation (system).
DME distance-measuring equipment. A combination of ground and airborne equipment which gives a continuous slant range distance-from-station readout by measuring time-lapse of a signal transmitted by the aircraft to the station and responded back. DMEs can also provide groundspeed and time-to-station readouts by differentiation.
Doppler Doppler effect (or shift) is the change in frequency of light, radio or sound waves when source and receiver are in relative motion.
DoT Department of Transport
downwind The segment of an aerodrome circuit paralleling the active runway and flown on a reciprocal heading
DP dew point
DR dead (deduced) reckoning. Plotting position by calculating the effect of speed, course, time and wind against last known position.
dry when referring to aircraft hire charges means 'without fuel', as opposed to wet, with fuel.
DZ dropping zone, for parachuting etc.

EAA Experimental Aircraft Association, the American homebuilders' organisation.
EADI electronic attitude director indicator. An ADI with CRT cockpit display forming part of an EFIS, below.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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