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航空略缩语 Aviation Glossary

时间:2011-09-15 17:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

OCU Operational Conversion Unit
OEI One engine inoperative
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OGE Out of ground effect
okta a measurement of cloud cover. One okta means one-eighth of the sky is covered.
Omega high accuracy, very-low frequency (VLF) long-range navigation system of the hyperbolic type, covering the entire earth down to the surface from eight ground-based transmitters. Used principally by airliners, military aircraft and intercontinental business aircraft.
ops Operations
o/r on request
o/t other times
OTU Operational Training Unit

P1 Pilot-n-command
P2 co-pilot
Pan international radio call signalling urgency.
PAPI precision approach path indicator, a system of coloured lights installed at the approach end of a runway which provides visual guidance to the correct glidepath. A successor to VASI, below.
PAR precision approach radar. Primary radar equipment showing an air traffic controller the height, track and range of an aircraft on final approach, enabling him to guide it to a landing.
pax passengers
PED portable electronic devices
Permit to Fly Authorisation granted to aircraft such as homebuilds, vintage aeroplanes, warbirds and some simple 'classic' light aircraft which are not required to meet the standards demanded for a full C of A, and are accordingly restricted in the kinds of operation for which they may be used.
PF Pilot flying. The 'handling pilot' in multi-crew operation.
PFA Popular Flying Association, the UK homebuilt and antique aircraft organisation.
PFD primary flight display
PHG powered hang-glider
PIC pilot-in-command (also styled P1).
PIG Pilots Information Guide
pinch-hitter U.S. term for safety-pilot, usually unlicensed but having sufficient training to be competent to land an aircraft in an emergency. Frequently the partner of the PIC
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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