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JAR–1 Definitions and Abbreviations 联合航空规定定义和缩写

时间:2011-08-31 13:49来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Some comments on the list of examples of what Aerial Work is, led the DEFWG to expand and improve the list, move it to an IEM, and to add a clarification that the list is not exhaustive.
A comment on the applicability of the definition to balloon flights for charity or sponsored purposes was not adopted as JAR-OPS does not cover balloons yet. A policy decision by the JAA on how to handle these flights may be needed to be taken elsewhere. In the opinion of the DEFWG, such flights are not a specialised service, and are thus not Aerial Work.
The list of examples when additional persons may be carried, in the IEM, was improved in line with a number of comments, some of which were editorial, but others served to better explain the intent. A new example was added to cover the carriage of students during flight instruction. The first sentence of the advisory material is deleted following comments that suggested it was more severe than its parent requirement.
The phrase ‘..a limited number of persons..’ gave rise to a number of comments requesting clarification, and in one case recommending deletion as it is, in the opinion of the commentor, a requirement. The latter point is not agreed with as the DEFWG saw it as a qualification to the text, not a requirement in itself. The potential for abuse was cited by some as a reason for rewording the text from ‘..limited number..’ to ‘.. only persons undertaking an essential function..’, ‘..a number agreed by the Authority..’. This is agreed in principle, and more suitable wording has been introduced.
A comment on the difference in standards between Aerial Work with or without additional persons on board was not understood by the WG.
One commentor’s point expressing surprise at the imposition of additional requirements for non–commercial aerial work when no passengers are carried as compared to the lack of requirements for a non-commercial passenger flight is not understood. These definitions do not impose requirements, this is for the JARs to do, and JAR–OPS Part 2 will prescribe requirements necessary for all aspects of non-commercial aviation, as appropriate.
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