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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

TVBC Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling
TVBCA Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling Air
TVC Turbine Vane Cooling
TVOR Terminal VOR
TW Twisted
T/W Together With (IPC)
T/WIND Tail Wind
TWR Tower
TWS Technical Work Statement
TWT Traveling Wave Tube
TWX Teletype Written Exchange
TWY Taxiway
TX Transmitter
TX Torque Transmitter
TXPDR Transponder
TY Type (WDM)
TYP Typical
TZ Tin-Zincu Micro
UA Unit Assembly
UAC Upper Area Control Center
UARRSI Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle System 
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UART Universal Asynchronous Receive/Transmit
UB Utility Bus
UB Unit Bond
UBR Utility Bus Relay
UC Upper Center
UCM Uncommanded Movement
UCT Universal Coordinated Time
U/D Upper Deck
UDC Upper Deck Cargo
UDL Unit Detail Listing
UDT Update
UF Under Frequency
UFDR Universal Flight Data Recorder
U/FLOOR Underfloor
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UI Unit Issue
UKCAA British Civil Aviation Authority
ULB Underwater Locator Beacon
ULC Universal Logic Card
ULD Unit Load Device
ULD Underwater Locating Device
UM Unit Manufacture
UM Unit of Measure (Sonic)
UMC Universal Master Caution
UNBAL Unbalance
UNCPLG Uncoupling
UNCRCTD Uncorrected
UND Under
UNIV Universal
UNK Unknown
UNLK Unlock
UNLKD Unlocked
UNP Unknown from Production surplus
UNREG Unregulated
UNRGLTD Unregulated
UNSCHD Unscheduled
UNSCHED Unscheduled
UNSD Unused
UNSHD Unscheduled
U/O Used On
UP Upper
UPDT Update
UP/LT Up Left
UPR Upper
UR Utilization Rate
UR Unsatisfactory Report
URR Unscheduled Removal Rate
US Under Speed
US United States
U/S Unserviceable
USB Upper Side Band
uSEC Microsecond
USG U.S. Gallons
USG Unusually Significant (service bulletin)
USPHS U.S. Public Health Service
UT Unit Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTIL Utility
UUT Unit Under Test
UV Under Voltage
UV Ultra-Violet
UVEROM Ultra Violet Erasable Read Only Memory
UV PROM Ultra Violet Programmable Read Only Memory
UWY Upper AirwayV Volt, Voltage
V  Valve
V Velocity
V Version
V Violet
V Voice
V Vendor
V1 Takeoff Decision Speed
V1 Critical Engine Failure Speed
V2 Scheduled Target Speed
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
V2min Minimum Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 Flap Retraction Speed
V4 Slat Retraction Speed
Va Design Maneuvering Speed
VA Volts-Amperes
VA Heading with an Altitude Termination
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn