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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

CEC Combi Exhaust Controller
CEGT Corrected EGT
CEL Celestial
CENT Centrifugal
CERT Certify
CESM Commercial Engine Service Memorandum
CEU Converter Electronics Unit
CEU Cargo Electronics Unit
CEV Clutch Electro Valve
CF Course to a Fixed Waypoint
CF Control Wheel Force
CF Centrifugal Force
CF Checking Fixture (tool)
CF Cost Factor
CFAIL Critical Failure
CFD Comparator Flight Director
CFD Continuous Fire Detection
CFD Comparator Faded Decrab
CFDIU Central Fault Display Interface Unit
CFDU Continuous Fire Detection Unit
CFE Customer Furnished Equipment
CFH Cubic Feet per Hour
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CFMI CFM International
CFPT Computer Flight Plan Time
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CFS Cold Finished Steel
CFS Cubic Feet per Second
CG Center of Gravity
CG Centigram
CGF Color Guard Fabric
CGG Cool Gas Generator
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CGO Cargo
CGS Centimeter-Gram-Second
CH Channel
CH Chromel
CH Center Hatrack
CH Charge
CH* Comparator Vertical Rate
CH-A Channel A
CHAM Chamfer
CHAN Channel
CHAR Character
CHAS Chassis
CHAV Compressor Heating Air Valve
CH-B Channel B
CHEM Chemical
CHG Charge
CHG Change
CHGR Charger
CHK Check
CHK GWT Check Gross Weight
CHKPT Checkpoint
CHM Chime
CHMBR Chamber
CHNG Changer, Changeover
CHNGS Changes
CHNL Channel
CHR Chronograph
CHRGR Charger
CHRO Chronometer
CHRONO Chronometer
CI Cast Iron
CI Course to an Intercept
CI Cost Index
CI Cabin Interphone
CIC Cabin Interphone Controller
CIC Corrosion Inhibiting Compound
CIH Cabin Interphone Handset
CIM Continuous Image Microfilm
CIP Cost Improvement Program
CIP Cartridge In Place
CIP Cabin Interphone
CIR Circular
CIRC Circulate
CIRC Circumference
CIS Cabin Interphone System
CIS Cycles In Service
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature
CIWS Central Instrument Warning System
CK Check
CKD Checked
CKPT Cockpit
CKS Countersink
CKT Circuit
CKTS Circuits
CL Climb
CL Center Line
CL Close
CL Center of Lift
CL Clip
CL Clutch
CL Centiliter
C/L Check List
C/L Center Line
C/L Cumulative Line (position)
CLA Condition Lever Angle
CLASS Classification
CLB Climb
CLCP Central Lateral Control Package
CLD Closed
CLG Ceiling
CLG Cooling
CLK Clock
CLN Colon
CLNG Cooling
CLNR Cleaner
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn