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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

AFL Air Flow
AFL Aileron Force Limiter
AFM Airplane Flight Manual
AFMC Advanced Flight Management Computer
AFM-DPI Airplane Flight Manual-Digital Performance
AFOLTS Automatic Fire Overheat Logic Test System
AFQGS Advanced Fuel Quantity Gauging Sytem
AFR Airframe
AFS Autoflight System
AFS Aging Fleet Survey
AFSC Ancillary Fuel System Controller
AFT Aftward
AFT After
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Netword
AFTR After
AG Approach Gate
A/G Air/Ground
AGB Accessory Gearbox
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AGCU Auxiliary Generator Control Unit
AGIS Air/Ground Indication System
AGL Air to Ground Level
AGL Above Ground Level
AGMT Augment
AGR Auxiliary Generator Relay
AGS Automatic Ground Spoilers
AGS Air/Ground System
AGSB Auto Ground Speed Brake
AGSS Air/Ground Safety Sensor
AGT Agent
AGW Actual Gross Weight
AH Alert Height
AH Ampere Hour
AHE Altitude Hold Engaged
AHG Altitude Hold Good
AHP Anti Hijacking Panel
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System
AHRU Attitude and Heading Reference Unit
AHS Altitude Hold Selected
AI Anti-Icing
AI Accuracy Index
AI Analog Input
A/I Anti-Ice
AIA Aerospace Industry Association
AIA American Institute of Aeronautics
AIAA American Institute of Astronautics and 
AICC Aviation Industry CBT Committee
AID Aircraft Installation Delay
AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System
AIG Accident Investigation
AIL Aileron
AIM Action Item-Miscellaneous
AIM Acknowledgement, ISO alphabet numbers and 
AIMS Airplane Information Management System
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIR Airplane Airborne
AIR COND Air Conditioning
AIRGND Air/Ground
AIR/GRD Air/Ground
AIRS Airline Inventory Redistribution System
AIRSPD Airspeed
AIS Aeronautical Information Service
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AITI Area Inspection Task Items
AIV Accumulator Isolation Valve
AJ Assembly Jig
AL Alumel
AL Autoland
Al Aluminum
A/L Approach/Land
A/L Autoland
ALC Automatic Load Control
ALCMD Autoland Command
ALCS Autopilot Lateral Control Servo
ALDB Airline Database
ALERFA Alert Phase
ALICS Airline Inventory Control System
ALIGN Alignment
ALIM Align Mode
ALM Alarm
ALN Align
ALPHA Angle of Attack
ALPHA Minimum Speed Control Mode
ALPHANUM Alphanumerical
ALR Alert
ALS Aft Limit Switch
ALS Approach Light System
ALS Aircraft Landing Systems
ALT Altitude
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn