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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

OCL Obstacle Clearance Limit
OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface
OCT Octane
OD Outside Diameter
OD Out of Detent
O/D Out of Detent
ODAR Organizational Designated Airworthiness  
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEU Overhead Electronics Unit
OEV Overboard Exhaust Valve
OEW Operating Empty Weight
OF Over Frequency
OF Overfull
OF Outside Force
OFCR Officer
OFFR Off/Reset
OFF R Off-Reset
OFL Outflow
OFP Operational Flight Program
OFS Offset
OFSS Outboard Front Spar Station
OFST Offset
O/FULL Overfull
OFV Outflow Valve
OGV Outlet Guide Vane
OH Overheat
O/H Overheat
OHM Overhaul Manual
OHME Overhead Mechanical Equipment (tool)
OHU Overhead Unit
OIG Office of Inspector General
OJT On-the-Job Training
OK Correct
OLES Outboard Leading Edge Station
OLS Oil Level Sensor
OLW Operational Landing Weight
OM Outer Marker
OM Overhaul Manual
OM Operations Manual
OMB Operations Manual Bulletin
OML Outside Mold Line
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OMTBF Observed Mean Time Between Failure
ON-ORD On Order (Sonic)
ONS Omega Navigation System
O-OEU Outboard Overhead Electronics Unit
OP Operational, Operation, Operating
OP Open Phase
OP Open
OP Oil Pressure
OP Operating Procedure
OP Opalescent
OP Operational (check)
O/P Output
OP-AMP Operational Amplifier
OPAS Overhead Panel ARINC System
OPBC Overhead Panel Bus Controller
OPC Operational Program Configuration
OP/C Operational Check
OPER Operative, Operational
O/PFDV Other Pitch Flight Director Valid
OPN Operation
OPNG Opening
OPP Opposite
OPR Operate
OPR Operator
OPRN Operation
OPS Operation, Operations
OPT Optimum
OPT Optical
OPT Option, Optional
OPTL Optional
OPV Overpressure Valve
OR Overrotation
ORD Ordinance
ORD RCD Order Received (Sonic)
ORF Orifice
ORG Orange
ORG Organization
Org Per Organic Peroxide
ORIDE Override
O/RIDE Override
ORIG Origin, Original, Originator
ORN Orange
ORT Owner’s Requirements Table (software database)
ORZ Omni Range Zero
OS Over Station
OS Oversize
OS Out of Service
O/S Over Station
O/S Overspeed
O/S Oversize
OSC Oscillator, Oscillation
OSC Oscilloscope
OSG Oscillograph
OSS Over Station Sensor
OSS Outboard Slat Stations
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
OSU Overdoor Service Unit
OT Oil Temperature
O/T Over Temperature
OTOW Operational Take-Off Weight
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn