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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

IDENT Identifier
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IDGS Integrated Drive Generator System
IDP Integrated Data Processing
ID PL Identification Plate
IDS Integrated Display System
IDU Integrated Display Unit
IDU Interactive Display Unit
IDV Inertial/VOR-DME
IE In Effect (that is)
IEC Integrated Electronic Control
IEPR Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio
IF Intermediate Frequency
IF Initial Fix
IF In Flight
I/F Interface Fault
IFE In-Flight Entertainment
IFF Identification Friend or Foe
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFSAU Integrated Flight System Accessory Unit
IFSD In Flight Shut Down
IFSS Inboard Front Spar Station
IGB Inlet Gearbox
IGN Ignition
IGS Integrated Graphic System
IGV Inlet Guide Vane
IGVA Inlet Guide Vane Actuator
IHC Integrated Handset Controller
IHCB Industrial Hazards Control Bulletin
IHP Indicated Horsepower
IHPH Indicated Horsepower Hour
IHP-HR Indicated Horsepower Hour
IHS Industrial Hygiene and Safety Standards
IIPD Illustrated Initial Provisioning Document
ILCB Indicator Light Control Box
ILES Inboard Leading Edge Station
ILL Illuminate, Illumination
ILLUM Illuminate, Illumination, Illuminated
ILLUMD Illuminated
ILLUS Illustrate, Illustrator, Illustration
ILM Independent Landing Monitor
ILS Instrument Landing System
ILSCP ILS Control Panel
IM Inner Marker (ILS)
IMBAL Imbalance
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IML Inside Mold Line
IMM Immediate
IMMTE Integrated Mix Manifold Temperature Error
IMP Impeller
IMP Imperial
IMP Impact
IMP Impulse
IMPATT Impact Avalanche and Transmit Time (diode)
IMU Inertial Measurement
IN Inch, Inches
IN Inlet
IN Inspection
IN Input
INA Initial Approach
INB Inbound
INBD Inboard
INC Increase
INC Incorporated, Incorporation
INC Increment
INCL Including, Inclusive
INCLG Including
INCLR Intercooler
INCPT Intercept
INCR Increase
INCR Increment
IND Indicator
IND Indicate, Indicated
INDEF Indefinite
INDEP Independent
INDG Indicating
INDUC Inductance
INDUS Industrial
INDX Index
INFC Interface
INFIS Inertial Navigation Flight Inspection System
INFLT Inflight
INFO Information
INH Inhibit
INHB Inhibit
INHG Inches of Mercury
IN HG Inches of Mercury
INHI Inhibit
INHIB Inhibit, Inhibition
INIT Initialize, Initiate
INIT Initial, Initialization
INIT REF Initialization Reference
INL Inlet
IN-LBS Inch-Pounds
INOP Inoperative
INP Input
INPH Interphone
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn