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时间:2011-08-28 13:16来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

LTL Loan Tool
LTP Left Top Plug
LTR Liter
LTR Letter
LTS Lights
LTSHLD Light Shield
LU Lubrication
LUB Lubricate
LUF Lower Usable Frequency
LV Low Voltage
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVDT Linear Velocity Differential Transducer
LVDT Linear Voltage Displacement Transducer
LVL Level
LVL/CH Level Change
LVL CHG Level Change
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
LVR Lever
LVR Louver
LW Landing Weight
LW Left Wing
LW Locked Wheel (protection)
L/W Lockwire
LWD Left Wing Down
LWM Lower Weather Minimums
LWR Lower
LWS Left Wing Station
L-x Lavatory-xM Mach
M Motor
M Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)
M Mode
M Magenta
M Meter
M Minus
M Magnetic
M Maintenance
M Milli
M Manifold
MA Milliamperes
MA Maintenance Annunciator
MA Master
MA Missed Approach
MAA Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
MADAR Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording 
MADU Multi-purpose Aids Display Unit
MAG Magnetic
MAG Magnetic Heading
MAG Magazine
MAG Magneto
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
Mag.M Magnetized Material
MAGN Magnetron
MAG TRK Magnetic Track
MAG VAR Magnetic Variation
MAI Multiplexer Action Item
MAIDS Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and 
 Diagnostic System
MAIN Maintenance
MAIN MUX Main Multiplexer
MAINT Maintenance
MALF Malfunction
MALS Medium Intensity Approach Light System
MAN Manual
MANF Manifold
MAP Ground Mapping
MAP Master Annunciator Panel
MAP Multi-Acquisition Processor
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAP Mission Audio Panel
MARS Maintenance Analysis and Reports Section
MAS Milli-Ampere/Seconds
MASI Mach and Airspeed Indicator
M/ASI Mach Airspeed Indicator
MAT Maintenance Alert Time
MAT Maintenance Access Terminal
MATL Material
MAWEA Modularized Avionics and Warning Electronics 
MAWP Missed Approach Waypoint
MAX Maximum
MAX< Maximum Angle (climb)
MAX CLB Maximum Climb
MAX DES Maximum Descent
MAX END Maximum Endurance
MAX SPD Maximum Speed
MB Millibars
MB Marker Beacon
M/B Metal Bond
M/B Mother Board
MBB Mode Bar Bias
MBR Main Battery Relay
MBS Millibars
MC Master Change
MC Material Cost
MC Megacycle
Mc Corrected Mach
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCA Minimum Control-Air (speed)
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn