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EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典

时间:2011-08-27 23:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

navigation Administration
AERA Automated En-Route Air Traffic Control *
AEREA Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics
AERO I/H+ Satellite Data 2, 3 services
AES ATC Engineering Section
AES Aircraft / Airborne Earth Station * (ICAO - ADS)
AES Automatic Enhanced Surveillance
AEV Annual Equivalent Value
AEW Airborne Early Warning
AEWPD Adapted EATMP Work Programme Document
AF DME Arc to a Fix (ARINC 424 Path Terminator)
AF Air Force
AF Audio Frequency (VCS)
AFAS Aircraft in the Future ATM System
AFAST Active Final Approach Spacing Tool
AFB Air Force Base
AFC ATC Frequency Change (service)
AFC Airport Facilities Control (ICAO)
AFCAC African Civil Aviation Commission
AFCNF Air Force Central NOTAM Facility (US)
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System *
AFD Associated Flight Details
AFFSC (E) Air Forces Flight Safety Committee (Europe)
AFG Advisory Financial Group (ex-FCG/Eurocontrol) / Groupe Financier de
consultation (FR)
AFG-TF Advisory Financial Group - Task Force on the Audit and Control Boards
AFI Africa-Indian Ocean Region (ICAO)
AFIL Air Filed Flight Plan (CFMU)
AFIS Airport/Aerodrome Flight Information Service *
AFISO Aerodrome Flight information Service Officer
AFL Actual Flight Level
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AFL Assigned Flight Level
AFMS Advanced Flight Management System
AFMSG Audit and Financial Matters Sub-Group
AFN Air Traffic Services Facilities Notification * (FANS)
AFN BD Airspace/Flow Management & Navigation Business Division (Eurocontrol - DAS
Business Directorate)
AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation (FR)
AFP Active Flight Plan Processing
AFP ATC Flight Plan Proposal
AFPA Automated Flight Plan to Track Association
AFPL ADEXP Filed Flight Plan (CFMU)
AFS Aeronautical Fixed Services *

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典