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EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典

时间:2011-08-27 23:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

CAMUS Czech Automated Multi radar System
CAN Proj. Croatian Air Navigation Project
CANAC Computer Assisted National ATC Centre (B)
CANSO Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
CAO Computer Assisted Operations
CAOFA Co-ordination of Air Operations in the Forward Area
CAP Controller Access Parameters
CAP Combat Air Patrol
CAPAN Capacity Analyser
CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee (NATO)
CAPE Computer Assisted Planning Experiment
CAPSIN CAA Packet Switched Integrated Network (UK)
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CAR Caribbean Region *
CARAT Computer-Aided Route Allocation Tool
CARD CNS Applications – Research and Development
CARD Conflict And Risk Display (ODID)
CARE Co-operative Actions of ATM Research and Development in Eurocontrol
CARFE Conference on Airport and Route Facility Economics (ICAO) / Conference sur la
gestion des aéroports et des installations et services de route (FR)
CARS Controller Acceptance Rating Scale
CART Classification And Regression Trees
CAS Close Air Support
CAS Calculated Air Speed
CAS Collision Avoidance System
CAS Calibrated Air Speed
CAS Computerised Assessment System
CASA Computer Assisted Slot Allocation (CFMU)
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
Case Case Study
CASI CFMU Aircraft Situation Image
CASOR Civil Area Services Operations Room
CAST Consequences of future ATM systems for air traffic controller Selection and
Training *
CASTA Controller Associate for Strategic and Technical Advice
Cat Category
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CAT Commercial Air Transport
CAT Computer Assisted Teaching / Training
CAT Continuous Attention Task
CAT x Category x Precision Approach (I *, II or III)
CAT-1 Category One
CATCAS Copenhagen Air Traffic Control Automated System (DK)

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典