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EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典

时间:2011-08-27 23:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

SMX Sub-Multiplexer
SN System Notam
SN, S/N Signal-to-Noise
SNA System Network Architecture (IBM Network)
SNA Satellite Navigation Application
SNAcF Subnetwork Access Function *
SNAcP Subnetwork Access Protocol *
Satellite Navigation Applications Sub-Group
SNDC Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Function *
SNDCF Sub-Network Dependent Convergence Facility
SNET Safety Nets
SNICF Subnetwork Independent Convergence Function *
SNIR, S/N Signal-to-noise ratio *
SNME Subnetwork Management Entity *
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RAPNET - CNG-)
SNOWTAM * NoTAM on SNOW Conditions (Message containing snow fall information)
SNPA Subnetwork Point of Attachment *
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio *
SO Standards Office (Eurocontrol)
So The Present (undesired) state
SO Specialist Objectives *
SOC System / Sector Operations Centre
SOC Start of Climb
SOE Software Engineer
SOF Stand-alone Operations Facility
SOFIA Sequentially Outlining and Follow-up Integrated Analysis (EUROCONTROL
Headquarters, EATMP,
SOFREAVIA Société Française d'Etudes et de Réalisations d'Equipments Aéronautiques (FR)
SOGITS Senior Official Group in IT Standardisation
SOIR Simultaneous Operations on parallel (or near-parallel) Instrument Runways
SOL Sector Outbound List (MDP)
SOP Standard Operating Procedures *
SOR State of Readiness
SORA Safety Occurrence Reporting and Assessment in ATM
SOSG Safety Oversight Study Group (ICAO)
SOTA South Oceanic Transition area
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SOW Statement of Work (ODS)
sp Ground Speed
SP Service Provider
SP Special point
SP Special Purpose Indicator (ASTERIX)
SP Standard Precision
SP Succession Planning
SP System Parameter *

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本文链接地址:EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典