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EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典

时间:2011-08-27 23:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

European Aeronautical Data (AHEAD) Programme
AISAP AIS Automation Specialist Panel (EUROCONTROL)
AISAS Aeronautical Information Services Automated System
AISC Aeronautical Industry Service Communication *
AISC Aeronautical Mobile Communications System Panel
AISG AIS Automation Working Group (ICAO)
AISOPS AIS Operations Sub-Group
AISPOP AIS Planning and Operations Subgroup
AISS Aeronautical Information Server System (ODS)
AISTEC AIS Technical Sub-Group
AIS-TF AIS Training Task Force
AISU Aeronautical Information Service Unit
AITSC Administrative IT Steering Committee
AIW Area Infringement Warning
AIXM Aeronautical Information Exchange Model
AKARD Available Knowledge And required system Research and Development
AL Alerting Service *
AL Aircraft Label
AL Albania
ALAR Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Task Force
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ALB Alternative Label
ALCC Airlift Central Co-ordination Centre
ALCE Airlift Control Element
ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile
ALD Airlift Division
ALENA Accord de libre-échange pour l’Amérique du Nord (FR) / North American Free
Trade Agreement (=NAFTA)
ALERFA Alert Phase *
Alert Alert Phase *
ALIM Altitude Limit (Positive RA Altitude Threshold)
ALLA Allied Long Lines Agency
ALMC Airlift Movement Cell
ALO Air Force Liaison Officer
ALPA Air Line Pilots Association
ALRC Altitude Reconstruction
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ALRT Alert
ALRTF ATCO Licensing Review Task Force
ALS Automatizovany Letisni System (CZ) / Automated Airport System
ALS Automatic Line Switch (RMCDE)
ALS Architecture Layer Structure (ISO)
ALT Airborne Link Terminal
ALTRV Altitude Reservation System
ALUG AudioLAN Users Group
AM Attribute Modification

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:EATM glossary of acronyms and abbreviations 欧洲空管管理缩略语词典