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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

PN  Part Number 
PNEU  Pneumatic 
PNF  Pilot Non Flying 
PNL  Panel 
PNP  Positive-Negative-Positive 
PNR  Part Number 
PO  Purchase Order 
PO  Pickoff 
POB  Pressure-Off Brake 
POM  Production Organisation Manual 
POR  Point of Regulation 
POS  Position 
POST  Power on Self Test 
POT  Potentiometer 
POXIP  Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel 
PPB  Provisioning Parts Breakdown 
PPBU  Power Plant Build Up 
PPC  Phosphor Protection Circuit 
PPDC  Provisioning Procurement Data Card 
PPDES  Product Performance Data Exchange Specifications 
PPI  Plan Position Indicator 
PPIPC  Power Plant IPC 
PPM  Performance Programs Manual 
PPM  Pulse Position Modulation 
PPM  Parts per Million 
PPOS  Present Position 
PPU  Position Pickoff Unit 
PQAS  Program Quality Assurance System 
PR  Pressure 
PR  Power Ready Relay 
PR  Progress Meeting 
PR  Regulated Pressure (downstream of bleed valve) 
PRAM  Prerecorded Announcement and Music 
PRB  Probe 
PRCSG  Processing 
PRCSR  Processor 
PRE-EMPT  Pre-emptive 
PREAMP  Preamplifier 
PRECOOL  Precooler 
PRED  Prediction 
PREREC  Prerecorded 
PRES POS  Present Position 
PRESEL  Preselection, Preselector 
PRESS  Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize 

PREV  Previous 
PRF  Interrogation Rate 
PRGM  Program 
PRI  Priority 
PRIM  Primary 
PRIM  PRIMary System 
PRIMES  Product Related Information Management Enterprise System 
PRL  Parallel 
PROC  Procedure 
PROC T  Procedure Turn 
PROF  Profile 
PROG  Progress 
PROG  Program, Programming 
PROJ  Projector 
PROM  Programmable Read Only Memory 
PROS  Present Position 
PROT  Protection 
PROX  Proximity 
PRPHL  Peripheral 
PRR  Power Ready Relay 
PRSRZ  Pressurize 
PRSRZG  Pressurizing 
PRV  Pressure Regulating Valve 
PS  Process Solution 
PSCU  Proximity Switch Control Unit 
PSDU  Power Supply Decoupling Unit 
PSI  Pound per Square Inch 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn