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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

PES  Passenger Entertainment System 
PESAR  Passenger Entertainment System Audio Reproducer 

PESC  PES Controller 
PESMMUX  Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux 
PF  Pilot Flying 
PF  Power Factor 
PFD  Primary Flight Display 
PFEV  Power Failure Event 
PFF  Pre-First Flight 
PFIN  Power Failure Interrupt 
PFIS  Passenger Flight Information System 
PFQ  Preselected Fuel Quantity 
PFR  Post Flight Report 
PFS  Pre-Feasibility Study 
PFTU  Pedal Feel and Trim Unit 
PG  Page 
PG BUS  Program Bus 
PH  Phase 
pH  Acidity or Alkalinity 
PHA  Preliminary Hazard Analysis 
PHC  Probe Heat Computer 
phi  Bank Angle 
phi N  Nominal Bank Angle 
PHR  Pounds per Hour 
PI  Procedure Turn to an Intercept 
PIA  Programmable Interface Adapter 
PIA  Peripheral Interface Adapter 
PIH  Pressure Interstage Hydraulic (PW eng) 
PIM  Programming and Indication Module 
PIN PROG  Pin Programming 
PIPC  Power Plant Illustrated Parts Catalog 
PIR  Pressure Interstage Return 
PIREP  Pilot Report 
PISA  Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter 
PIU  Passenger Information Unit 
PIX  Picture 
PK  Pink 
PL  Plug 
PL  Plate 
PLA  Power Light Adapter 
PLATF  Platform 
PLCRD  Placard 
PLS  Pulse 
PLT  Pilot 
PLYWD  Plywood 
PM  Phase Modulation 
PM  Pounds per Minute 
PMA  Parts Manufacturing Approval 
PMA  Permanent Magnet Alternator 
PMAT  Portable Multipurpose Access Terminal 
PMC  Power Management Control, Controller 
PMC  Process Material Control 
PMC  Power Management Control,controller 
PMDB  Production Management Data Base 
PMG  Permanent Magnet Generator 
PMITS  Project Management Information Technology System 

PMM  Personalization Memory Module 
PMO  Project Management Office 
PMP  Performance Monitoring Program 
PMP  Pump 
PMP  Primary Maintenance Process 
PMR  Performance Maintenance Recorder 
PMS  Process and Material Specification 
PMU  Power Management Unit 
PMUX  Propulsion Multiplexer 
PMUX  Power Plant Multiplexer 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn