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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

OMTBF  Observed Mean Time between Failure 
OMV  Overhaul Manual Vendor 
ONS  Omega Navigation System 
OOT  Oil Outlet Temperature 
OP  Operational 
OP  Opalescent 
OPAL  Order Processing Automated Line 
OPER  Operative/Operation/Operating 
OPMS  Oleo Pressure Monitoring System 
OPNG  Opening 
OPP  Opposite 
OPS  Operations 
OPT  Optional 
OPT  Optimum 
OPTL  Optional 
OPTS  Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor 
OPU  Overspeed Protection Unit 
OPV  Overpressure Valve 
OR  Operational Reliability 
ORF  Orifice 
Org Per  Organic Peroxide 
ORM  Onboard Replaceable Module 
ORT  Owner Requirement Table 
ORVD  Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump Function 
ORZ  Omni Range Zero 
OS  Operating System 
OSC  Oscillator 
OSCU  Oxygen System Control Unit 
OSG  Overspeed Safety Governor 
OTD  On Time Delivery 
OTH  On Time Handover 
OTOW  Operational Take-Off Weight 
OU  Outlet Unit 

OUT  Outlet 
OUT  Output 
OUTB  Outbound 
OUTBD  Outboard 
OUTFLW  Outflow 
OUTR  Outer 
OV  Over 
OVBD  Overboard 
OVF  Over Frequency 
OVFL  Overflow 
OVHD  Overhead 
OVHT  Overheat 
OVLD  Overload 
OVPRESS  Overpressure 
OVRD  Override 
OVSP  Overspeed 
OVSTEER  Oversteer 
OVV  Overvoltage 
OW  Outer Wing 
OWD  Open World Diode 
OWE  Operating Weight Empty 
OXY  Oxygen 
Oxy M  Oxidizing Material 
OZ  Ounce 
O/C  Open Circuit 
O/P  Output 
P  Purple 
P  Roll Rate 
P  Pressure 
PA  Passenger Address 
PA  Public Address 
Pa  Pascal 
PA AMP  Passenger Address Amplifier 
PAD  Partner Agreement Document 
PADS  Pneumatic Air Distribution System 
PAL  Programmable Array Logic 
PAR  Precision Approach Radar 
PARAM  Parameter 
PARK  Parking 
PAS  Pitch Attitude Sensor 
PATCC  Production Aircraft Test Completion Certificate 
PATM  Production Aircraft Test Manual 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn