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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

MSU  Mode Selector Unit (IRS) 
MSU  Magnetic Sensor Unit 
MSU  Motor Switching Unit 
MSW  Microswitch 
MT  Mount 
MTBD  Mean Time Between Defects 
MTBF  Mean Time Between Failures 
MTBI  Mean Time Between Inspection 
MTBIFS  Mean Time Between In Flight Shut-down 
MTBPR  Mean Time Between Premature Removals 
MTBR  Mean Time Between Removals 
MTBT  Mean Time Between Trouble 
MTBUR  Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals 
MTE  Manual Test Equipment 
MTG  Mounting 

MTGC  Mounting Center 
MTI  Multi Tank Indicator 
MTN  Motion 
MTO  Maximum Take-Off 
MTO  Météo 
MTOGW  Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight 
MTOP  Maintenance Task Operating Plan 
MTOW  Maximum Design Takeoff Weight 
MTP  Maintenance and Test Panel (AFS) 
MTR  Meter 
MTRM  Mid Term Planning Meeting 
MTS  Maintenance Training Simulator 
MTTF  Mean Time to Failure 
MTTR  Mean Time to Repair 
MTTUR  Mean Time to Unscheduled Removal 
MTUR  Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals 
MTW  Maximum Design Taxi Weight 
MTXW  Maximum Taxi Weight 
MU  Management Unit 
MUX  Multiplex, Multiplexer 
MV  Multivibrator 
MVT  Movement 
MWARN  Master Warning 
MWC  Master Warning Computer 
MWE  Manufacturer's Weight Empty 
MWG  Maintenance Working Group 
MWP  Master Warning Panel 
MWS  Master Warning System 
MXR  Mixer 
MZFCG  Maximum Zero Fuel Center of Gravity 
MZFW  Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight 
n  Load Factor 
N  Newton 
N  Normal 
N  Neon 
N  North 
N MOS  N-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
N MOS  Negative Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
N1  Low Pressure Rotor Speed 
N1  Engine Fan Speed 
N1.D  N1 Descent 
N1.L  N1 Latch 
N2  High Pressure Rotor Speed 
NAA  National Aviation Authority 
NAC  Nacelle 
NAC  Nacelle Air Cooling 
NAC STA  Nacelle Station 
NACA  National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 
NAI  Nacelle Anti-Icing 
NAS  Navy and Army Standard 
NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn