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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

NW  Nose Wheel 
N.O.R  Normal Operating Range 
N/A  Not Applicable 
N/P  Next Page 
N/W  Nose Wheel 
N/WS  Nose Wheel Steering 
O  Open 
O  Orange 
O2  Oxygen (Symbol) 
OADMT  Overall Aircraft Design Management Team 
OANC  Onboard Airport Navigation Computer 
OANS  Onboard Airport Navigation System 
OASI  Operation and Service Instruction Manual 
OAT  Outside Air Temperature 
OBCE  On-Board Control Equipment 
OBOGS  On Board Oxygen Generation System 
OBRM  On Board Replaceable Module 
OBS  Omni Bearing Selector 
OBS  Organization Breakdown Structure 
OBSV  Observation 
OBSVR  Observer 
OC  On Condition 
OC  Open Circuit 
OC  Overcurrent 
OC  Order Card 
OC  Oceanic Clearance 
OCCPD  Occupied 
OCCPNT  Occupant 
OCL  Obstacle Clearance Limit 
OCM  Outflow valve Control Module 
OCM  Out of Control Months 
OCS  Obstacle Clearance Surface 
OCS  Overall Customer Satisfaction 
OCSM  Outflow valve Control and Sensor Module 
OD  Outside Diameter 
ODU  Optical Display Unit 
OEB  Operating Engineering Bulletin 
OEW  Operational Empty Weight 
OF  Overfrequency 
OFDM  Onboard Flight Data Monitoring 
OFFR  Off/Reset 
OFF/R  Off Reset 
OFMV  Oil Flow Management Valve 
OFST  Offset 
OFV  Outflow Valve 
OG  Operational Group 
OGV  Outlet Guide Vane 

OH  Opposite Hand 
OHDS  OverHeat Detection System 
OHDU  Overheat Detection Unit 
OHP  Overhead Panel 
OHSC  Overhead Stowage Compartment 
OHU  Optical Head Unit 
OI  Operational Interruption 
OIS  Onboard Information System 
OIT  Oil Inlet Temperature 
OIT  Operator Information Telex 
OIT  Onboard Information Terminal 
OJT  On Job Training 
OK  Correct 
OLIVER  Output Level Intended for Very Excellent Reproduction 
OLMS  Operational Loads Monitoring System 
OLW  Operational Landing Weight 
OM  Overhaul Manual 
OM  Outer Marker 
OMM  Overhaul Manual Manufacturer 
OMS  Onboard Maintenance System 
OMT  Onboard Maintenance Terminal 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn