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时间:2011-04-09 16:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

MMO  Mach Max Operating Speed 
MMO  Maximum Operating Mach 
MMR  Multi-Mode Receiver 
Mn  Mach Number 
MNFOLD  Manifold 
MNPS  Minimum Navigation Performance Specification 
MOCA  Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude 
MOD  Modulator 
MOD  Modification 
MODLTR  Modulator 
MOD/V  Modulating Valve 
MOKA  Methodology and software tools Oriented to KBE Applications 
MOM  Maintenance Organization Manual 
MON  Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored 
MONG  Monitoring 
MORA  Minimum Off Route Altitude 
MORV  Mixer Overpressure Relief Valve 
MOS  Metal Oxyde Semiconductor 
MOT  Motor, Motorized 
MOU  Memorandum of Understanding 
MP  Maintenance Practices 
MP  Modification Proposal 
MP  Maintenance Procedure 

MP  Main Processor 
MPA  Maximum Power Assurance 
MPB  Micro Processor Bipolar 
MPD  Maintenance Planning Document 
MPDS  Maintenance Planning Data Support 
MPL  Maximum Permitted Life 
MPR  Multipurpose Register 
MPS  Multiplex Power Supply 
MPS  Maximum Performance Specifications 
MPU  Modem Processor Unit 
MPU  Magnetic Pickup 
MQPB  Minimum Quantity Price Break 
MRA  Minimum Reception Altitude 
MRB  Maintenance Review Board 
MRB  Materials Review Board 
MRBD  Maintenance Review Board Document 
mrem/hr  Millirems per hour 
MRIU  Maintenance & Recording Interface Unit 
MRS  Malfunction Reporting Systems 
MRS  Maintenance, Reliability, Supportability 
MRTT  Multi Role Tanker Transport 
MRW  Maximum Ramp Weight 
mr/hr  Milliroentgens per Hour 
MS  Military Standard 
MS  AI Maintenance Schedule 
MSA  Minimum Safe Altitude 
MSB  Most Significant Bit 
MSC  Maintenance Steering Committee 
MSC  Airbus Materiel Support Centre 
MSCN  Manufacturer Specification Change Notice 
MSG  Message 
MSG  Maintenance Steering Group 
MSI  Medium Scale Integrated 
MSI  Maintenance Significant Item 
MSL  Mean Sea Level 
MSL  Maintenance Significant Item List 
MSM  Monitoring System Module 
MSN  Manufacturer Serial Number 
MSTR  Master 
MSU  Media Server Unit 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn