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时间:2014-11-22 11:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:

The Importing State CAA usually accepts or validates the design approval of CAAC for the civil aeronautical products or articles by issuing "Type Acceptance" or "Validation of type certificates".当采取颁发“型号接受证”方式时,进口国 CAA 通常对民航局关于民用航空产品或零部件的设计批准予以完全承认和接受。
When issuing "Type Acceptance", the Importing State CAA usually fully acknowledge and accept the CAAC design approval of civil aeronautical products or articles.当采取颁发“型号认可证/型号合格证”方式时,进口国 CAA 在承认并接受民航局关于 民用航空产品或零部件的设计批准的同时,通常会对民用 航空产品或零部件提出需要符合的附加技术条件,并最大程度委托、承认和接受民航局对民用航空产品或零部件符合这些附加技术条件做出的结论。
When issuing "Validation of type certificates", the Importing State CAA acknowledge and accept CAAC design approval of the civil aeronautical products or articles and at the same time, usually propose additional technical requirements that should be met regarding the civil aeronautical products or articles, and recognize and accept, to the maximum extent, the conclusions by CAAC regarding whether civil aeronautical products or articles meet these additional technical requirements.此时,应进口国CAA 要求,可能需要申请人按 2.8 段要求向进口国 CAA 提交以下 信息或数据:
At this time, as requested by the Importing State CAA, the applicant might need to submit the following information or data to the Importing State CAA according to requirements in paragraph 2.8:
(1) 用于支持进口国 CAA 做出符合性结论所需的试验计划 和报告;
(1) Test plans and test reports necessary to support the Importing State CAA to make findings of compliance.
(2) 用于支持进口国 CAA 做出符合性结论所需的计算及分 析;
(2) Calculation and analysis necessary to support the Importing State CAA to make findings of compliance.
(3) 上述两项相应的民用航空产品或零部件的设计数据。
(3) Relevant design data of the civil aeronautical products or articles regarding the above two.
注:进口国 CAA 做出接受或认可结论时,通常需要民用航 空产品或零部件已取得民航局的设计批准。
Note: when the Importing State CAA make acceptance or validation conclusion, it is usually required that the design approval of the civil aeronautical products or articles have been obtained from CAAC.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn