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航空手册翻译中 WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, NOTES 和 alert 的定义

时间:2012-01-04 12:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

      Specific items requiring emphasis are expanded upon and ranked in increasing order of
importance in the form of a NOTE, a CAUTION or a WARNING.

      Expands on information which is considered essential to emphasize.
Information contained in notes may also be safety related.

      Provides information that may result in damage to equipment if not

      Emphasizes information that may result in personal injury or loss of life
if not followed.

      在达索公务机手册中,是这样定义的:The following definitions of NOTE, CAUTION and WARNING apply to the Crew Operational Documentation for Dassault Easy (CODDE).

      Concerns matters which are not directly related to safety,but which are sufficiently unusual or important.


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