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FAA运行规范 FAA Operations Specifications

时间:2011-09-26 01:01来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

The aircraft owner/lessor has the power to veto who the certificate holder will use to pilot the aircraft in Part 135 operations, so as to limit the certificate holder to using only the owner/lessor’s pilots.

(4) Transfer, surrender, abrogate, or share operational control responsibility with any party.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Operations Specifications Administration
Engage in any arrangement with an aircraft owner, lessor or any other person or entity, such as an aircraft management entity, which allows the use of an aircraft for operations under these operations specifications without a complete, effective and sustainable transfer of operational control to the certificate holder for all Part 135 operations conducted under these operations specifications.

Elements of Operational Control.  The following items are essential elements of operational control and are required to be components of the operational control system, used by the certificate holder, and as described or referenced in subparagraph a. above:

Crewmember Requirements. The certificate holder may not conduct any operation under Part 135, unless each of the certificate holder’s crewmembers is:

The certificate holder’s direct employee or agent during every aspect of the Part 135 operations, including those aspects related to any pre-flight and post-flight duties. The certificate holder is accountable for the actions and inactions of these persons during all its aircraft operations.

Currently trained and/or tested, qualified, and holds the appropriate airman and medical certificates to conduct flights for the certificate holder under Part 135, and is otherwise qualified to accept the specific flight assignment, considering flight and rest requirements, airspace qualification and the type of operation intended in the assignment. Each pilot must be specifically listed by name and airman certificate number on a list of pilots maintained by the certificate holder at its main base of operations or listed in operations specification A039 or A040, if applicable.  This information must be available for inspection by the Administrator as specified in Section 135.63.

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