时间:2017-12-16 09:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
和机组) SAC Single Annular Chamber(单环燃烧室) SAT Static Air Temperature (大气静温) SATCOM Satellite Communication (卫星通讯) SC Single Chime (单谐音) SCP Software Control Panel (软件控制面板) SD System Display (系统显示) SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrator (系统数据获取集中器) SDCU Smoke Detection Control Unit (烟雾探测控制组件) SDF Smoke Detection Function, Simplified Directional Facility (烟雾探测功能, 简化的定向设备) SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer (扰流板升降舵计算机) SEL Selector (选择器) SFCC Slat/Flap Control Computer (缝翼/襟翼控制计算机) SFE Seller-Furnished Equipment (卖方配备设备) SID Standard Instrument Departure (标准仪表离场) SIM Simulation (模拟) SLT Slat (缝翼) SOP Standard Operating Procedure (标准操作程序) SPD Speed (速度) SPD LIM Speed Limit (速度限制) SPLR Spoiler (扰流板) SRS Speed Reference System (速度基准系统) STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route (标准进场) STAT Static (静止的) STAT INV Static Inverter (静变流机) STBY Standby (备用) STD Standard (标准) STEER Steering (转弯) STRG Steering (转弯) STS Status (标准状态) SWTG Switching (转换) SYNC Synchronize (同步) SYS System (系统) T.O Takeoff (起飞) T/O Takeoff (起飞) TO Takeoff (起飞) T/C Top of Climb (爬升顶点) T/D Top of Descent (下降顶点) TA Traffic Advisory (交通咨询) TAC Taxiing Aid Camera (滑行辅助摄像) TACAN Tactical Air Navigation (战术空中导航) TACT Tactical (战术的) TAS True Air Speed (真空速) TAT Total Air Temperature (全温) TAU Time to intercept (切入时间) TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System (地形意识和警告系统) TBC To Be Confirmed (待证实) TBD To Be Determined (待定) T2CAS Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System(交通和地形防撞系统) T3CAS Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System(交通和地形防撞系统) TCA Turbine Cooling Air (涡轮冷却空气) TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (交通警戒和防撞系统) TCC Turbine Case Cooling (涡轮机匣冷却) TCM Thrust Control Malfunction (推力控制故障) TDU Temporary Documentary Unit (临时文件单元) TEMP Temperature (温度) TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephon System (陆上飞行电话系统) TGT Target (目标) THR Thrust (推力) THS Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer (可配平的水平安定面) TK Tank (油箱) TK Track angle (航迹角) TKE Track Angle Error (航迹角误差) TLA Throttle Lever Angle (油门杆角度) TLU Travel Limitation Unit (行程限制组件) TMR Timer (计时器) TOC Table of Contents(目录) TOD Takeoff Distance (起飞距离) TOGA Takeoff - Go-Around (起飞-复飞) TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight (起飞全重) TOR Takeoff Run (起飞滑跑) TOW Takeoff Weight (起飞重量) T-P Turn Point (转弯点) TPIS Tire Pressure Indicating System (轮胎压力指示系统) TR Transformer Rectifier (变压整流器) TR Transmitter-Receiver (发射机-接收机) TRANS Transition (过渡) TRK Track (航迹) TROPO Tropopause (对流层顶) TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit (变压整流器组件) TRV Travel (行程) TSM Trouble Shooting Manual (维修手册) TTG Time to Go (剩下时间) TVMC Minimum Control Speed Temperature (最小控制速度温度) TWY Taxiway (滑行道) UFD Unit Fault Data (组件故障数据) ULB Underwater Locator Beacon (水下定位信标) UNLK Unlock (开锁) UP Up, Upper (上,向上) USB Universal Serial Bus (通用串行总线架构) UTC Universal Coordinated Time (世界协调时) UFD Unit Fault Data (组件故障数据) ULB Underwater Locator Beacon (水下定位信标) UNLK Unlock (开锁) UP Up, Upper (上,向上) USB Universal Serial Bus (通用串行总线架构) UTC Universal Coordinated Time (世界协调时) V/S Vertical Speed (垂直速度) V1 Decision Speed (决断速度) V2 Takeoff Safety Speed (起飞安全速度) VAPP Approach Speed (进近速度) VBV Variable Bypass Valve (可变旁通活门) VC Calibrated airspeed (修正空速) VDEV Vertical Deviation (垂直偏差) VEL Velocity (速度) VERT Vertical (垂直的) VERT REV Vertical Revisor (垂直修改) VFE Maximum Speed for each Flap configuration (最大放襟翼速度) VFEN VFE Next (下一VFE) VFTO Final Takeoff Speed (最终起飞速度) VHF Very High Frequency (甚高频) VHV Very High Voltage (甚高压) VIB Vibration (振动) VIP Vertical Intersection Point (垂直切入点) VLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (最大起落架放下速度) VLS Lowest Selectable Speed (最小可选速度) VLV Valve (活门) VM Maneuvering Speed (机动速度) VMAX Maximum Allowable Speed (最大允许速度) |