时间:2017-12-16 09:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
AIU Audio Interface Unit (音频接口组件) ALT Altitude (高度) ALTN Alternate (备降) AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance(可接受的符合方法) AMI Airline Modifiable Information (航线可变更信息) AMU Audio Management Unit (音频管理组件) ANT Antenna (天线) AOA Angle of Attack (迎角) AOC Airline Operational Control (航空公司运行控制) APP Approach (进近) APPR Approach (进近) APPU Assymetry Position Pick-off Unit (不对称位置传感组件) APU Auxiliary Power Unit (辅助动力装置) AR Authorization Required (所要求的授权) ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (艾瑞克(航空无线电公司)) ARN Aircraft Registration Number (飞机注册号) ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice (空域推荐做法) ARPT Airport (机场) ASAP As Soon As Possible (尽快) ASD Accelerate Stop Distance (加速停止距离) ASI Air Speed Indicator (空速表) ASP Audio Selector Panel (音频选择面板) ATC Air Traffic Control (空中交通管制) ATM Air Traffic Management (空中交通管理) ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (航空电子通讯网络) ATE Automatic Test Equipment (自动测试设备) ATIS Automatic Terminal Information System(自动终端信息服务) ATS Auto Thrust System (自动推力系统) ATSAW Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (机载交通情景意识) ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit (空中交通服务组件) ATT Attitude (姿态) AUTO Automatic (自动) AVNCS Avionics (航空电子设备) AWY Airway (航线) B/C Back Course (反航道) BARO Barometric (气压的) BAT Battery (电瓶) BCL Battery Charge Limiter (电瓶充电限制器) BCDS Bite Centralized Data System (自测中央数据系统) BCU Backup Control Unit (备用控制组件) BDDV Brake Dual Distribution Valve (刹车双分布活门) BITE Built-In Test Equipment (自测设备) BIU BITE Interface Unit (自测接口组件) BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment (买方提供设备) BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator (拍频振荡器) BMC Bleed Monitoring Computer (引气监控计算机) BNR Binary (二进制的) BRG Bearing (方位) BRK Brake (刹车) BRT Bright (明亮的) BSCU Braking Steering Control Unit (刹车转弯控制组件) BTC Bus Tie Contactor (汇流条连接接触器) BTL Bottle (瓶(灭火瓶,气瓶等)) BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor(引气温度传感器) BUS Busbar (汇流条) BUSS Back Up Speed Scale (备用速度刻度) C/B Circuit Breaker (跳开关) CB Circuit Breaker (跳开关) C/L Checklist (检查单) CL Checklist (检查单) CAB Cabin (客舱) CAPT Captain, Capture (机长,截获) CAS Calibrated Airspeed (校准空速) CAT Category (类别) CBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring System (跳开关监控系统) CCD Cursor Control Device (光标控制组件) CDL Configuration Deviation List (外形缺件清单) CDLS Cockpit Door Locking System (驾驶舱门上锁系统) CDSS Cockpit Door Surveillance System (驾驶舱门监视系统) CDU Control Display Unit (控制显示组件) CF Cost of Fuel (燃油成本) CFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit (中央故障显示接口组件) CFDS Centralized Fault Display System (中央故障显示系统) CFP Computerized Flight Plan (计算机飞行计划) CG Center of Gravity (重心) CHAN Channel (通道,频道) CHG Change (变更) CHK Check (检查) CI Cost Index (成本指数) CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System (客舱内话数据系统) CIDS-SDF CIDS-SDF(客舱内话数据系统 - 烟雾探测功能) CKPT Cockpit (驾驶舱) CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (独立国家联合体) CLB Climb (爬升) CLR Clear (清除) CLSD Closed (关闭) CM1(2) Crewmember 1 (left seat) or 2 (right seat) (机组成员1(左座)或2(右座)) CM1 Crewmember 1 (left seat) (机组成员(左座)) CM2 Crewmember 2 (right seat) (机组成员(右座)) CMPTR Computer (计算机) CMS Constant Mach Segment (恒定马赫航段) CMS Centralized Maintenance System (中央维修系统) CNSU Cabin Network Server Unit (客舱网络服务器组件) CO Company (公司) CO RTE Company Route (公司航路) COND Conditioning (调节) CONF Configuration (形态) CONT Continuous (连续的) CPC Cabin Pressure Controller (座舱压力控制器) CPCU Cabin Pressure Controller Unit (座舱增压控制器组件) CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication (管制员 - 飞行员数据链通讯) CRC Continuous Repetitive Chime (连续重复谐音) CRG Cargo (货舱) CRS Course (航道) CRT Cathode Ray Tube (阴极射线管) CRZ Cruise(巡航) CSAS Conditioned Service Air System(空调服务系统) CSCU Cargo Smoke Control Unit(货舱烟雾控制组件) CSD Constant Speed Drive(恒速传动装置) CSM/G Constant Speed Motor/Generator(恒速马达/发电机) CSTR Constraint (限制) CT Cost of Time (时间成本) CTL Control(操纵) CTL PNL Control Panel (控制面板) CTR Center (中央) CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder (驾驶舱语音记录器) DA Drift Angle (偏流角) |