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时间:2011-08-28 15:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

situation  wherein  no  crew  member  is 
licensed to use such equipment aboard, 
both without exemption from the appropriate 
Direct ATM system  Where at least one ATM event or item was  EUROCONTROL  SRC 
contribution to  judged to be DIRECTLY in the causal chain  SRU 
accident/incident  of events leading to an accident or incident. 
Without that ATM event, it is considered that 
the occurrence would not have happened. 

Endorsement  An entry in an ATC licence indicating the air  EUROCONTROL  Agency 
traffic control unit and the operational  (HRT  Licensing  Working 
positions or sectors at which a controller  Group) 
may exercise the privileges of the valid 
rating or ratings included in the ATC licence. 
Engineering and  Written procedures and instructions used by  EUROCONTROL  Agency 
Maintenance  engineering and maintenance personnel in  (HEIDI) 
procedures  the pursuance of their duties in connection 
with the provision of the ATM services. 
Engineering and  Personnel who operate and maintain ATM  EUROCONTROL  SRC 
technical personnel  equipment approved for operational use.  ATM  Services  Personnel 
undertaking  (ASP) Working Group 
operational safety 
related tasks 
En-Route  The time between top-of-climb and top-of- EUROCONTROL 
descent, excluding the time spent in the  FCO/ET1/ST02/DEL/1.0 
Mission Phase. 
External Services  All material and non-material supplies and  EUROCONTROL  SRC 
services,  which  are  delivered  by  any  SRU 
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn