

时间:2019-08-26 11:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:公务机翻译 点击:

STRG Steering
SUA Special Use Airspace
SUB Subsequent
SVC Service
SVO Start Valve Open
SVR Service
SVS Servo Valve Switch
SYM Symbol
SYNC Synchronization
SYS System
*** T ***
T/O Takeoff
T/O APP Takeoff/Approach
T/R Thrust Reverser
T/REV Thrust Reverser
TA Traffic Advisory
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TAI Thermal Anti-Ice
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TBD To Be Determined
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCHDN Touchdown
TCN Tactical Air Navigation
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TCS Touch Control Steering
TD Time Delay
TD/HP Touchdown / Hydroplane
TDC Top Dead Center
TEMP Temperature
TERR Terrain
TET Turbine Entry Temperature
TGT Turbine Gas Temperature
THROT Throttle
TIU Test Interface Unit
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TLD Time Limited Dispatch
TMP Temperature
TOGA Takeoff/Go-Around
TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight
TOLD Take Off / Landing Data
TQA Throttle Quadrant Angle
TQA Throttle Quadrant Assembly
TR Thrust Reverser
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle
TRA Throttle RVDT Angle
TROV Thrust Recovery Outflow Valve
TRS Thrust Reference System
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
TSO Technical Standard Order
TSP Twisted Shielded Pair
TSPOC Time Since Power-On Count
TURB Turbulence
TURB Turbine
TWIP Terminal Weather Information for Pilots
*** U ***
UALB Underwater Acoustic Locator Beacon
UD Upper Side Band Data
UF Under Frequency
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UK United Kingdom
ULB Underwater Locating Beacon
UNAVAIL Unavailable
UNCMDED Uncommanded
UPR Upper
USB Universal Serial Bus
USB Upper Sideband
UTC Universal Time Clock
UV Under Voltage
UV Upper Sideband Voice
*** V ***
V Valve
V Volt(s)
V1 Takeoff Decision Speed (Knots)
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed (Knots)
VA Maneuvering Speed (Knots)
VAC Volts AC
VbN Virtual Backplane Network
VbPCI Virtual Backplane PCI
VBS Vertical Beam Sensor
VDC Volts DC
VDL VHF Digital Link (Modes 2, 3, & 4)
VDR VHF Data Radio – ARINC 750 standard
VFE Maximum Flaps Extended Speed (Kts)
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VFS Flight Safety Speed (Knots)
VGM Video Graphics Module
VGP VNAV Glide Path
VGS Visual Guidance System
VHF Very High Frequency
VIB Vibration
VIDL VHF/ILS/Datalink Radio
VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
VLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended (Knots)
VLO Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed (Knots)
VLV Valve
VM Video Module
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMC Minimum Control Speed (Knots)
VMO Maximum Operating Limit Speed (Kts)
VNAV Vertical Navigation – FMS term
VOR Very High Frequency, Omnidirectional Range
VOX Voice-Operated Transmission
VR Rotation Speed (Knots)
VRCU Voice Recorder Control Unit
VREF Approach Reference Speed
VREF Volts Reference
VREF Reference Speed (Knots)
VRMS Volts Mean Root Square
VS Stall Speed (Knots)
VS Vertical Speed
VS Video System
VSD Vertical Situation Display
VS-FPA Vertical Speed-Flight Path Angle
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSPEEDS Determined Velocity Speeds (Knots)
VSV Variable Stator Vane Actuator
VT Velocity (True) (Knots)
VVI Vertical Velocity Indicator
*** W ***
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WAI Wing Anti-Ice
WARN Warning
WC Weather Radar Controller
WDO Window
WF Fuel Flow
WG Wing
WHL Wheel
WL Water Line
WMU Wheel-speed Monitoring Unit
WOW Weight On Wheels
WPT Waypoint
WS Wind Shear
WS Wing Station
WSHLD Windshield
WSP Word Sequence Position
WSU Wheel Spin-Up
WX Weather
*** X ***
X Longitudinal Axis
X Cross
X FLOW Crossflow
XDUCER Transducer
X-FLO Crossflow
XFR Transfer
*** Y ***
Y Vertical Axis
YAW DAMP Yaw Damper
YD Yaw Damper

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