
承接安全性能分析系统手册翻译任务 SPAS II 用户指南

时间:2017-03-26 11:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

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Bar Graphs Graphs that represent individual values as bars. Corresponding value is shown above the bar, if there are 24 or less bars.
Base Data Actual source data used in the calculations of performance measures from such systems as NPTRS and NVIS. Source record comments are available in SPAS in read-only format.
Browser Program used to navigate the World Wide Web and SPAS, and display pages (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer).
Certificate Holder An organization, aircraft, or individual authorized or certificated by the FAA to conduct an activity. Includes air operator, air agency, aircraft, and air personnel.
Certificated Flight
Instructor A Certificated Flight Instructor is designated by the FAA with privileges to perform specific aviation activities necessary for providing training for pilot certification.
Check Airman A Check Airman is a person who is qualified, and permitted, to conduct flight checks or instruction in an airplane, flight simulator, or a flight training device for a particular type airplane.
Client-Server A system configuration where your workstation contains the display software and a host server (such as the SPAS database server) performs the data processing.
Concern Significantly outside the expected value range. Exceeds the concern threshold (defined for indicators only).
Data Sheet Fact sheets that SPAS generates when you access base data. Shows the underlying data in an easy to read format.
Default Settings Standard choices SPAS makes. How SPAS initially presents specific data and selected flag views.
Designated Airworth iness Representative A Designated Airworthiness Representative is a person who is qualified, and authorized by the FAA to perform examination, inspection, and testing services necessary to the issuance of certificates.
Designated Mechanic Examiner A Designated Mechanic Examiner is designated by the FAA with privileges to perform specific aviation activities necessary for issuing mechanic certificates.
Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner A Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner is designated by the FAA with privileges to perform specific aviation activities necessary for issuing parachute rigger certificates.
Designated Pilot Examiner A Designated Pilot Examiner is designated by the FAA with privileges to perform specific aviation activities necessary for issuing pilot certificates and ratings.
Desktop Background area on your screen outside the Internet Explorer display that allows direct access to frequently used items (documents and applications).
Draft Performance measures that are new to SPAS. All new performance measures are considered draft until they are evaluated and finally approved.
Drill Down Access the source data from external data sources. Available only from the graph and table views.
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本文链接地址:承接安全性能分析系统手册翻译任务 SPAS II 用户指南