
Getting to grips with aircraft performance 如何掌握飞机性能

时间:2017-11-06 16:55来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

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higher ⇒ slower
Pt and Ps, respectively measured by the aircraft pitot tube and static probes, are also used to compute the Mach number. Therefore,
The TAS indicated on the navigation display of modern aircraft is then obtained from the Mach number:
TAS(Kt) = 39M 273 + SAT(ºC)
3.6. True Air Speed (TAS) Variations
Figure A11: True Air Speed Variations – Climb profile 300 Kt / M0.78
The above graph (Figure A11) illustrates the TAS variations as a function of the pressure altitude for a climb at constant CAS (300 knots) and constant Mach (M0.78).
The altitude at which a given CAS is equal to a given Mach number is called the cross-over altitude.
For a flight at constant speed in level flight, the drag force must balance the
engine thrust.
As a general rule, when engine thrust is higher than drag, the aircraft can use
this excess thrust to accelerate and/or climb. On the other hand, when the thrust is
insufficient to compensate for drag, the aircraft is forced to decelerate and/or
In flight, four forces are applied to an aircraft : Thrust, drag, lift and weight.
If the aircraft is in steady level flight, the following balance is obtained (Figure A12):
• The thrust for steady level flight (T) is equal to drag (D = ½ ρ S V2 CD),
• Weight (mg) is equal to lift (L = ½ ρ S V2 CL).
Figure A12: Balance of Forces for Steady Level Flight Standard Lift Equation
Weight = mg = ½ ρ S (TAS)2 CL (1)
With m = Aircraft mass
g = Gravitational acceleration
ρ = Air density
S = Wing area
CL = lift coefficient
The lift coefficient, CL, is a function of the angle of attack (α), the Mach number (M), and the aircraft configuration.
28 Standard Drag Equation
Thrust = ½ ρ S (TAS)2 CD (2)
With CD = Drag coefficient
The drag coefficient, CD, is a function of the angle of attack (α), the Mach number (M) and the aircraft configuration. Other Formulas
• As a function of the Mach number:
Lift and drag equations may be expressed with the Mach number M. As a result, the equations are:
Weight = 0.7 PS S M2 CL (3)
Thrust = 0.7 PS S M2 CD (4)
With Ps
= Static Pressure
• As a function of P0:
The pressure ratio δ is introduced into the lift and drag equations:
0 P
P δ = s
With P0 = Pressure at Sea Level
Ps = Pressure at Flight Level
Therefore, the following equations are independent of pressure altitude:
During aircraft operation, the airframe must endure the forces generated from
such sources as engine(s), aerodynamic loads, and inertial forces. In still air, when
the aircraft is maneuvering, or during in flight turbulence, load factors (n) appear and
thereby increase loads on the aircraft. This leads to the establishment of maximum
weights and maximum speeds.
1.1. Limit Load Factors
JAR 25.301 Subpart C FAR 25.301 Subpart C
JAR 25.303 Subpart C FAR 25.303 Subpart C
JAR 25.305 Subpart C FAR 25.305 Subpart C
JAR 25.307 Subpart C FAR 25.307 Subpart C
JAR 25.321 Subpart C FAR 25.321 Subpart C
JAR 25.1531 Subpart G FAR 25.1531 Subpart G
“JAR/FAR 25.301 Loads
(a) Strength requirements are specified in terms of limit loads (the maximum loads to
be expected in service) and ultimate loads (limit loads multiplied by prescribed factors
of safety). Unless otherwise provided, prescribed loads are limit loads.”
“JAR/FAR 25.321 Flight Loads
(a) Flight Load Factors represent the ratio of the aerodynamic force component (acting normal to the assumed longitudinal axis of the airplane) to the weight of the airplane. A positive load factor is one in which the aerodynamic force acts upward with respect to the airplane.”
n Lift z =
Except when the lift force is equal to the weight and nz=1 (for instance in straight and level flight), the aircraft’s apparent weight is different from its real weight (mg):
In some cases, the load factor is greater than 1 (turn, resource, turbulence). In other cases, it may be less than 1 (rough air). The aircraft's structure is obviously designed to resist such load factors, up to the limits imposed by regulations.
Apparent weight = nz.m.g = Lift
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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