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(1) Amended by law no. 136 of 2010.
Article 28  Carrying of Weapons and Hazardous Materials on Aircrafts:
1-No person on the aircraft shall, without a permit from the Civil Aviation Authority, carry a weapon, inflammable materials or any other materials that could be used in any act of sabotage, violence or threat during the flight.
2-If it is necessary to transfer an unloaded weapon, any inflammable materials or any other materials that could be used in any act of sabotage, violence or threat, the owner of such weapon shall handed it over to the operator’s representative before his/her entrance to the aircraft. Such weapons or materials shall be kept in a place that cannot be reached by the passengers and shall be returned to the person who handed it over after the flight.
Article 29 Airmail Carriage:
Any mail or postal parcel carriage by air may be undertaken only in accordance with the established postal measures and subject to provisions of the international conventions which the State is a party thereto.
Article 29 bis (1) Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods:
Handling and carriage of dangerous goods shall be subject to the instructions of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the provisions set forth in the
International Air Transport Association’s annual directory, and the regulations defined by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Section Four Aircrafts Noise
Article 30(2) Determination of the Level of Noises and Emissions:
The Civil Aviation Authority, in coordination with the concerned bodies, shall determine the allowed level of noises and emissions for the aircrafts using the Egyptian aerodromes and landing areas as well as the aircrafts’ altitudes, speeds, engines capacities and other conditions ensuring not exceeding the levels referred to, and the authority shall set the necessary rules and controls to remove or limit any air pollutions; smokes, dust and others that affect the proper conduct of aerial operations.
Article 31 –…………. (1)
(1) Added by law no. 136 of 2010.
(2) Amended by law no. 136 of 2010.
Chapter Three
Aircraft Airworthiness
Article 32(2)- Aircraft  Airworthiness Certificate:
No airworthiness certificate may be issued for a registered aircraft or aeroplane in State, unless it has met the technical requirements in accordance with rules and procedures defined by Civil Aviation Authority. The operator shall renew the Airworthiness Certificate in accordance with the rules defined by such authority.
Civil Aviation Authority may validate an airworthiness certificate issued by another State, and may impose any additional provisions or restrictions for specific types of such certificate prior to the validation thereof.
Civil Aviation Authority may, if it found any registered aircraft, aeroplane or its model in the State is not airworthy, suspend or withdraw its airworthiness certificate, and shall have the right to carry out a technical inspection on aircraft, and shall not allow the aircraft to fly, unless safety measures of its flight are taken.
(1) Superseded by law no. 136 of the year 2010
(2) Amended by law no. 136 of 2010.
Article 33-………. (1)
Article 34 Aircraft Instruments and Equipment:
1. The Operator of any registered aircraft in the State shall abide by equipping it with devices and equipment set forth in Chicago Convention annexes.
2. Civil Aviation Authority may decide to install any additional instruments or equipment in any State-registered aircraft, to guarantee the safety of the aircraft or the crew thereof or to facilitate search and rescue operations.
3. Aircraft’s instruments and equipment shall be installed so as to be easily replaced; and shall, as well, be maintained and adjusted in order to be serviceable and usable.
4. Locations and methods of use emergency equipment in each registered aircraft in State shall be visible in a clear manner.
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