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空客波音缩写汇总 Airbus and Boeing Abbreviations

时间:2011-06-16 23:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

ABV Above
AC Alternating Current
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACE Actuator Control Electronics
ACP Audio Control Panel
ADC Air Data Computer
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADM Air Data Module
AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer
AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System
A/G Air/Ground
AI Anti–Ice
AIL Aileron
AIMS Airplane Information Management System
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMI Airline Modifiable Information
ANP Actual Navigational Performance
APL Airplane
ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated ( 美国) 航空无线电公司
ARPT Airport
ASA Auto land Status Annunciate
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
AVAIL Available
ABN abnormal
A/C aircraft
ACT auxiliary central tank
ADR air data reference
ADV advice
AEVC 电子设备通风控制
AIDS 飞机综合数据系统
AIME 独立的整体监控外推法
AIU 音频接口组件
AMU 音频管理组件
AOC airlines operation control
APPR approach
APPU 不对称位置传感器组件
ASP audio select panel
ATE auto test equipment 自动检测设备
A/THR 自动推力
ATS auto thrust system
ATSU air traffic service unit
B/C Back Course
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BKR Breaker
BLD Bleed
BTL Bottle
BCL battery charge limit
BCDS 自测中央数据系统
BITE 内装测试设备/自测设备
BIU 自测接口组件
BFE 买方提供设备
BMC bleed monitor computer
BNR 二进制的
BRG 方位、轴承
BSCU 刹车转弯控制组件
BTC 汇流条连接接口
C Captain
CAP Capture
CANC/RCL Cancel/Recall
CCD Cursor Control Device
CDS comprehensive display system 共用显示系统
CHR Chronograph
CHKL Checklist
CKT Circuit
CL Close
CO Company
COMM Communication

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:空客波音缩写汇总 Airbus and Boeing Abbreviations