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空客波音缩写汇总 Airbus and Boeing Abbreviations

时间:2011-06-16 23:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

PPU 位置传感组件
PROC procedure
PROCT procedure turn
PROF profile
PSUU 乘客服务组件
PVI 平视指示器
Q Quantity
QFU 跑道航向
R Right
RAD Radio
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator
REC Recorder
RECIR or RECIRC Recalculation
REF Reference
RET Retract
REV Reverse
RF Refill
RNP Required Navigational Performance
RNV Area Navigation (RNAV)
RST Reset
RSVR Reservoir
R/T Radio Transmit
RACC 转子主动间隙控制
RAIM 接收机独立整体监控
RAT 冲压空气涡轮
RCDR recorder
RCL recall
RCVR receiver
REAC reaction
REL release
RH right hand
R/I radio/inertial
RLSK 右行选键
RMP radio manage panel
RNG range
RPTG 重复的
RTOW regular TOW
SAARU Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit
SB Service Bulletin
S/C Step Climb
SDF Simplified Directional Facility
SELCAL Selective Calling
SENS Sensitivity
SERV Service
STA Station
STAT Status
S 收缝翼速度
SC 单谐音
S/C step climb
SD system display
S/D step descent
SDAC 系统数据获取收集器
SDCD 烟雾探测控制组件
SEC 扰流板升降舵计算机
SFCC slot/flap control computer
SFE 卖方提供的设备
SRS speed reference system
STS status
SW switch
TAC Thrust Asymmetry Compensation
T or TRU True
T or TK or TRK Track
TAI Thermal Anti–Ice
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TDZE touch down zone elevation
TE Trailing Edge
TFR Transfer
TACT 战术的
TAU 切入时间
TBD 待定
TFTS 地球飞行电报系统
TGT target
THS 可配平的水平安定面
TK tank
TKE track error
TLA throttle level angle
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:空客波音缩写汇总 Airbus and Boeing Abbreviations