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航空军事词汇 Aviation Military Vocabulary 2

时间:2011-03-27 20:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

secondary depression 副低压
secondary drag 次阻力
secondary flow 次流
secondary fringe 次级条纹
secondary front 副锋
secondary jet 次喷流
secondary radar 次级雷达
secondary rainbow 副虹
secondary relaxation 次级松弛
secondary stall 二次失速
secondary stress 次应力
secondary structure 次结构
secondary surveillance radar (SSR) 次级搜索雷达
secondary target 次要目标
secondary venturi 次文氏管
secondary winding 次级线圈
second-in-command (SIC) 副机长
second law of motion 运动第二定律
second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律
second observer's seat 第二观察者座位
sectional chart 分区航图
section; cold 冷段
section; hot 热段
section modulus 断面模数
section properties 断面特性
sectors 空域区分;分区
sector scan 扇形扫描
sector wind 航路分段风
secular perturbation 长期扰动
secular variation 长期变化
security 安全
sedentary fitness 静止
Seebeck effect 席比克效应
seeding 播种;催化
seek 追踪
seeker 寻标器
seizure 癫痫发作
seismograph 地震仪
selective calling system (SELCAL) 选择呼叫系统
selective identification facility (SIF) 选择性识别器
selective inattention 选择性不在意
selective jamming 选择性干扰
selective pitch propeller 自动螺旋桨
selective reinforcement 选择性强化
selectivity 选择性
selector 选择器
selenocentric coordinates 月心坐标系
selenographic coordinates 月面坐标系
self-adaptive control-system 自适控制系统
self-aligning bearing 自位轴承
self alignment 自动校准
self-bias 自给偏压
self-destroying fuze 自毁引信
self-destruction equipment 自毁装备
self-energy 自有能量
self-excited oscillation 自激振荡
self-extinguishing 自熄
self-guided missile 自动导向飞弹
self-ignition 自燃
self-ignition temperature 自燃温度
self-image 自我形象
self-imposed stress 自加压力
self-inductance 自感系数
self-induction 自感
self-initiated antiaircraft missile (Siam) 自发防空飞弹
self-locking nut 自锁螺帽
self-medication 自行用药
self-piloting ignition 自引点火
self-propagation of flame 火焰自行传播
self-recording rain gauge 自记雨量器
self-sealing fuel cell 自封油箱
self-sealing fuel line 自封油管
self-sealing tank 自封油箱
self similar solution 自相似解
self-stall 自发性失速
self synchronous (selsyn) 自动同步器
shelter 百叶箱
semi-active homing 半主动归航
semi-active homing guidance 半主动归向导引
semi-active landing gear 半主动起落架
semi-active missile 半主动飞弹
semi-annual wing 半环形翼
semi-arid climate 半干燥气候
semi-armor-piercing projectile 半穿甲弹
semi-cantilever wing 半悬臂翼
semi-circular canals 半规管
semi-circular cruising level 半圆形巡航空层
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:航空军事词汇 Aviation Military Vocabulary 2