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航空军事词汇 Aviation Military Vocabulary 2

时间:2011-03-27 20:42来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

thread; buttress 梯形螺纹
thread; coarse 粗螺纹
thread; double 双线螺纹
thread; female 阴螺纹
thread; fine 细螺纹
thread ga(u)ge 螺纹规
thread; inside 内螺纹
thread; left-hand 左旋螺纹
thread; metric 公制螺纹
thread; right-hand 右旋螺纹
thread; U.S. standard 美国标准螺纹
thread;Whitworth 惠特渥斯螺纹
threat evaluation 威胁评估
threat simulation 威胁模拟
three-axis autopilot 三轴自动驾驶
three-axis stabilization 三轴稳定
three-bladed propeller 三叶螺旋桨
three-body problem 三体问题
three-body problem; restricted 狭义三体问题
three-control aeroplane 三轴分离式控制飞机
three dimemensional boundary layer 三维边界层
three dimemensional coordinates 立体坐标
three dimemensional flow 三维流
three dimemensional motion 三维运动
three degree-of-freedom 三自由度
three greens 起落架放下锁妥
three impulse orbital transfer 三冲轨道转移
three moment equation 三力矩方程式
three-phase 三相
three-phase ac 三相交流
three-phase △-connection? 三相三角形接法
three-phase current 三相电流
three-phase four-wire system 三相四线制
three-phase full wave rectifier 三相全波整流器
three-phase generator 三相发电机
three-phase induction motor 三相感应马达
three-phase △-load 三相三角形负载
three-phase rectifier; double-Y 双Y三相整流器
three-phase synchronous motor 三相同步马达
three-phase system 三相制
three-phase three-wire system 三相三线制
three-phase Y-connection 三相星形接法
three-phase Y-load 三相星形负载
three-point landing 三点着陆
three-point mounting 三点支承
three-point mooring 三点系留
three-point suspension 三点悬吊
three-point switch 三点开关
three-pole circuit breaker 三极断电器
three-pole switch 三极开关
three position key 三位转换器
three position relay 三位继电器
three-view drawing 三视图
three-way valve 三向阀
three wheel landing 三轮落地
three-winding transformer 三绕组变压器
three-wire connection; single phase 单相三线接法
three-wire system 三线制
threshold (THR) 跑道头;始动数值;阈限;临界值
threshold contrast 低限光对比
threshold crossing height (TCH) 跑道头通过高度
threshold detect 临限侦测
threshold frequency 低限频率
threshold lights 跑道头灯
threshold of hearing 最低可听值
threshold of sound intensity 限界声强
threshold; sensory 感觉阈限
threshold wavelength 限界波长
throat 喉部
thrombi 血栓
throttle 油门;节流阀
throttle actuator 油门传动机构
throttle; air 节气阀
throttle; auto (A/T) 自动油门
throttle back 关小油门
throttle burst 急推油门
throttle chop 猛关油门
throttle curve 节流曲线
throttle down 关小油门
throttle; full 全开油门
throttle; full flight region auto (FFRAT) 全程自动油门
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:航空军事词汇 Aviation Military Vocabulary 2