AC: Alternating Current.
Accelerate-Stop Distance: The distance required to accelerate to V1, and abort the takeoff and come to a complete stop with maximum braking applied at V1.
ACM: Air Cycle Machine
ADC: Air Data Computer
ADF: Automatic Direction Finding.
ADI: Attitude Director Indicator.
ADS: Air Data System
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AFIS: Airbourne Flight Information System.
AHRS: Attitude Heading Reference System.
AIA: Anti-icing Additive.
ALT: Altitude.
AM or AME: Amplitude Modulation.
AOA: Angle-of-Attack
AP Automatic Pilot
APU: Auxiliary Power Unit.
ATC: Air Traffic Control.
ATT: Attitude. The relationship between the axes of an aircraft and a fixed reference.
Aircraft Barometric Altitude: The indicated altitude with the altimeter set to the airport altimeter setting while at the airport elevation.
Altitude: The vertical elevation of an object above a given level. All altitudes used in this manual are pressure altitudes unless otherwise stated.
Anti-Ice Systems: The following systems comprise the anti-ice systems:
a. Engine, Horizontal Stabilizer and Inboard Wing Bleed Air Anti-Ice.
b. Outboard Wing Leading Edge Bleed Air Anti-Ice.
c. Windshield Electrical Anti-Ice.
d. Pitot-Static System and AOA Vanes Electrical Anti-Ice.
Performance, when referred to ANTI-ICE ON, is based on the wing, horizontal stabilizer and engine anti-ice systems being operated at the same time.
Arm: The horizontal distance from the zero reference datum to the center of gravity (C.G.) of an item.
BATT: Battery
B.I.T.(E.): Built-in-test/Built-in-test equipment.
B.L.: Buttock line. A line used to locate a position to the right or left of the center line of an aircraft structure.