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达索猎鹰公务机缩写词、缩略语 Dassault Falcon LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

时间:2012-01-12 09:36来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

BOOST: Booster
BRG: Bearing
BRK: Brake
BRT: Brightness
BSCU : Braking System Control Unit
C/B: Circuit Breaker
CAB: Cabin
CAS : Crew Alerting System
CAS: Calibrated Airspeed
CAT: Category
CCD: Cursor Control Device
CCW : Counter Clock Wise
CDI: Course Deviation Indicator
CDL: Configuration Deviation List
CDU : Control and Display Unit
CG: Center of Gravity
CHK : Check
CKPT : Cockpit
CLB: Climb
CLC: Check-List Controler
CMC : Centralized Maintenance Computer
CMPTR: Computer
COM : Communication
COND : Conditioning
COND’G: Conditioning
COPIL : Copilot
CPCS : Centralized Pressurization Control System
CPL: Couple
CRS: Course
CTA: Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial
CTL: Circle To Land
CVR: Cockpit Voice Recorder
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:达索猎鹰公务机缩写词、缩略语 Dassault Falcon LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS