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Glossary of Avionics Terms & Acronyms 航空电子术语和缩写词词典

时间:2011-07-29 09:39来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

EDAC  Error Detection and Correction (used interchangeably 
with EDC) 
EDC  Error Detection and Correction 
EDCT  Expected Departure Clearance Time 
EDI  Engine Data Interface 
EDIF  Engine Data Interface Function 
EDIU  Engine Data Interface Unit 
EDMS  Electronic Data Management System 
EDP  (1) Electronic Data Processing 
(2) Engine Driven Pump 
(3) Engineering Development Pallet 
EDU  Electronic Display Unit 
EEC  Electronic Engine Control 
EEPROM  Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
EEU  ELMS Electronics Unit 
EFD  Electronic Flight Display 
EFIP  Electronic Flight Instrument Processor 
EFIS  Electronic Flight Instrument System 
EFIS CP  EFIS Control Panel 
EGNOS  European Geostationary Overlay System 

EGT  Exhaust Gas Temperature 
EHSI  Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 
EHV  Electro-Hydraulic Valve 
EIA  Electronic Industries Association 
EICAS  Engine Indication and Crew Alert System 
EIS  Engine Indication System 
EISA  Extended Industry Standard Architecture 
EIU  EFIS/EICAS Interface Unit 
ELAN  Ethernet Local Area Network 
ELC  Emitter Coupled Logic 
ELEC  Electrical 
ELM  Extended Length Message 
ELMS  Electrical Load Management System 
ELS  Electronic Library System 
ELT  Emergency Locator Transmitter 
EMC  (1)Entertainment Multiplexer Controller 
(2)Electro Magnetic Capability 
EMER  Emergency 
EMI  Electro-Magnetic Interference 
EMS  Engine Management System 
ENG  Engine 
ENQ  Enquire 
EOT  End-Of-Text 
EP  (1) External Power 
(2) Engineering Project 
EPC  External Power Contractor 
EPCS  Engine Propulsion Control System 
E-Plane  The E-Plane is the plane of an antenna that contains 
the electric field. The principal E-Plane also contains 
the direction of maximum radiation. 

EPLD  Electrically Programmable Logic Device 
EPR  Engine Pressure Ratio 
EPROM  Erasable Programmable ROM 
EQUIP  Equipment 
Equivalent  Equivalent Airspeed is a direct measure of 
Airspeed  the incompressible freestream of dynamic 
(EAS)  pressure. It is CAS corrected for compressibility 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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